6 - Hypnotized to Love Me

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     The next day doesn't get much better with my brother. Entering the kitchen in the morning, I go to get some cereal out of the cabinet. I yawn. I stayed up way too late last night trying to look up more information on hypnosis and how it can affect one's emotions and feelings. Much of it was inconclusive. Some people say it doesn't work at all, some say it's cured them from addictions, however, no one talks about being hypnotized to love someone and it actually work. The implications of my findings or lack of findings, for that matter, is enough to give me a headache.

     I'm rubbing my forehead when Dane walks in.

     "I'm driving you to school today," Dane says roughly.

     My eyes widen.

"Dane, you haven't taken me to school since I was a freshman. Amanda is going to take me like always," I answer.

The fact that I still don't have a car as a junior in high school is absolutely annoying to me. However, it's entirely my fault. Back when I was dating Landon, I used to go to parties with him and we'd end up drinking. One time, I had too much to drink and Landon insisted that he drive us. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of just how drunk he was either.

One totaled car later and I'm still paying for the damages out of the weekly chores Dane has me do. Being in volleyball has its downsides. I don't work so that I can focus on getting a scholarship. Our parents could pay for our college easily, however, they've never been ones to throw money at something. They want Dane and I to work for what we get. At the moment, Dane is a second string quarterback for the Sooners. As a freshman, it's a pretty big deal. Because of this, he doesn't work either except go to school, travel with the team for half of the year, and nag me about my life choices. Even though I feel blessed for having parents who can support our dreams, I still miss them sometimes. We don't expect to see them till Thanksgiving this year.

"This is not a discussion. I'll be taking you to school and Kyle is picking you up after school from now on." Dane looks at me sternly.

     This is unbelievable. I get that Dane still doesn't trust me over the whole Landon issue, but to think I'd have to be carted back and forth from home is ridiculous.

     I pause for a moment to hold in my frustration. "I have volleyball practice starting after school today. I'm sure Michelle can give me a ride home afterwards. And Kyle isn't some servant."

     "I know he's not. But until I can trust you again to make smart choices, this is how it's going to be. Mom and Dad have already signed off on it. And Kyle volunteered anyway," Dane says quickly. He grabs his key and two granola bars from the cabinet. Tossing one at me, he motions for me to follow him to the garage.

"Come on, Hans, don't make this difficult, okay? Let's go." He walks out the door leaving me irritated and feeling helpless. Unfortunately, there's no way I can go against both him and my parents. And yet, there's one little detail I may have fibbed about. My brother has no idea that the real volleyball season actually starts in three weeks. Our floors are being redone and we've been using the girls' gym in the mornings to practice until the off-season basketball players get their gym back in the afternoons from repairs.

I smirk a little until Dane looks back at me. I quickly wipe the smile off my face and hurry after him. Hopefully the ruse will last and I'll have a little bit of time with Caleb after school each day till volleyball really starts with Kyle none the wiser.

For research, of course.


     "So, how'd it go yesterday?" Amanda asks excitedly as we're standing at my locker between classes.

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