7 - Hypnotized to Love Me

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     "We need to visit that man in the hospital."

     "Hmmm...?" Caleb half-listens to me. It's Wednesday and we're both sitting down at lunch. He's got one elbow resting on the table while the other hand is tracing something into my palm. His eyes are focused on my face.

     "Caleb, you know what I'm talking about," I say quickly, getting very distracted by his hand and his presence in general.

While I'm trying to get an answer out of him, Michelle and her boyfriend Jake then Casey and Gena come over with their lunches in hand.

"Hey, Hannah! And...Caleb." Michelle flips her dark hair over her shoulder as she smirks at us while sitting down. Jake nudges her gently and rolls his kind blue eyes at her. One of my best friends, Michelle has always had a good read on situations. We've played volleyball together since we were in middle school. She's been very occupied with her boyfriend lately, though. Jake is nice enough and incredibly funny. We've all accepted him as part of the group even though he's more so friends with some of the brainier kids, not necessarily any of the jocks. It's a nice change of pace considering my whole world is surrounded by football and volleyball.

"Hannah, shouldn't you introduce us?" Gena asks coyly.

Gena is a curly red-headed girl that I met my freshman year in high school back when I was dating Landon. She was dating Reece, Landon's best friend, and we just hit it off. After Landon and I broke up last year, her and Reece's relationship had already ended and we stayed friends anyway. She never liked Landon which definitely helped solidify our friendship.

     "Yes, I suppose I should," I say reluctantly. "This is Caleb Donovan. Caleb, this is Michelle, Jake, Gena, and Casey." I point to each of them all the while Caleb still holds my other hand in his.

     "It's great to finally meet you all." Caleb turns on his brilliant smile and I'm struck with wonder and the current situation. Just last week I had never even had a full blown conversation with Caleb and now I'm introducing him to my friends.

     "So, are you like an item now? Also, are you excited for the Homecoming game on Friday night? I hear Broken Arrow is going to be hard to beat," Casey says excitedly. She brushes her blonde bangs that are getting a little too long out of her eyes. She was always a talker and never one to shy away from people or strangers for that matter. Casey is Gena's friend and therefore, our friend, too. She's really nice and fun to hang out with, but we're not super close. She spends most of her time in the band room with Gena who are both in color guard together. They've been so excited because the band will be performing their marching show at the game this weekend.

     Michelle looks over at me and gives me a small smile. I can always count on her to know exactly how I'm feeling. I do not like the spotlight. The fact that I was elected President this year for our class was an adjustment. They held elections at the end of our sophomore year and I've noticed a change in me ever since. In fact, raising my hand to volunteer for that hypnotist was so unlike me but exhilarating at the same time.

"Oh, I'm in l-"

"We're just friends, Casey," I blurt out quickly. I try to change the subject away from the fact that Caleb was about to say he loved me. Again.

"Emily!" I hop up out of my seat suddenly when I see her walk by. She would know the information about who to contact for the hypnotist since she arranged the attractions for the dance.

"Hey, Hannah," Emily says cautiously. I see her glance back at our table and her eyes widen. I guess it's not a known fact at school yet that a senior boy has been following me around. I look over my shoulder and see Caleb staring at us with his arm resting on the back of my empty seat. His eyes go from me to Emily and a worried look passes over his face which confuses me.

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