041. it's not a happy ending

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—one :it's not a happy ending,don't wait for me,all of this is temporary

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—one :
it's not a happy ending,
don't wait for me,
all of this is temporary


[trigger warnings — brief depictions of dubious consent]

Lili was being watched.

And it was getting rather creepy.

For the entire time that she'd been eating a late breakfast in the Great Hall, she'd felt eyes on her, but whenever she turned round, no one was even glancing her way. While she appreciated a good mystery as much as the next Gryffindor detective, she didn't like this at all. The fine hair on the back of her neck prickled yet again, and her lips thinned as she resisted the urge to fidget in discomfort.

Deciding to be creative, Lili cast a quick reflection spell, and without turning round, she hurriedly scoured the faces over her shoulder to see just who the hell was staring. No one at the Hufflepuff table, nor at the Ravenclaw, so it must be a Slytherin... Not Draco, or Theo, nor that daft cow Parkinson, or even one of the Greengrass sisters.

It was... Goyle?

Yes, yes, definitely Gregory Goyle, Fifth Year Slytherin, lackey of one Draco Malfoy, complete first class prick. Goyle's beady eyes were looking (not glaring) at the back of her dark head, and he had an expression on his face that she'd never seen from him before. Bloody strange, it was. Lili's petite nose scrunched in confusion, but she cancelled the spell, shook off the oddness, and went back to her research.

Today, her study of choice was ancient ruins. She'd discovered that, interestingly enough (to those like Hermione and not like Ron), much of spell creation required the use of runes. And that was so d—mn exciting! She was so glad her grandmum suggested taking Ancient Runes last year; this year was going to be brill.

One long pale finger trailed over the faded text of Magick and Ruines by Godelot. Curiously, Lili discovered that the River represented Ansuz — or the mouth, communication, understanding which helped with her eavesdropping charm that she created in the form of a reverse Muffliato. She thought Protego Aduro was her first invented spell, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe it was Eavero!


Two figures descended upon her with loud voices and tall shadows. Lili barely managed to swallow her yelp in time to realise it was none other than the trouble twins themselves, Fred and George Weasley. Thankfully, Lili managed to not actually jump out of her skin, though she did accidentally sneeze out a horde of black hollyhock flowers.

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