045. that's the thing with anger

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—five :i was far too scared to hit himbut i would hit him in a heartbeat nowthat's the thing with angerit begs to stick around

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—five :
i was far too scared to hit him
but i would hit him in a heartbeat now
that's the thing with anger
it begs to stick around


It was Yule 1985 when Severus lost Lilium for the first and only time.

Minerva's quest to forge independence between the father and daughter had failed, and rather spectacularly, Severus was proud to report. At five years old, Lilium was still obsessively clingy. Most days, he found that his daughter would refuse to leave his side for even a moment's time.

The child was a near silent shadow.

She would be his miniature reflection while he monitored the castle corridors. She would trot to and from the storeroom whenever he went to collect a new ingredient. He would open the door and nearly trample her on his way back from the bloody loo. When anyone dared speak to her, she hid. She wound her hand into the material of his trousers, hiding her body within his robes and tucking her face into the soft space behind his knee. Speaking only when spoken to, Lilium tended to follow Severus around nearly everywhere, practically attached at the hip, and became anxious if her father was no longer in her immediate line of sight.

It was for this reason, that he did not anticipate losing her in any capacity at any time — ever.

So, when Albus (d—mn that meddling old codger) insisted he attend the staff Christmas party, though truly Severus would rather gouge out his own eyeballs, he knew his daughter would come along as well.

Severus, personally, despised the holiday season. It brought along unpleasant memories of his own childhood before he could stay hidden away at Hogwarts. His father always made the Yule memorable by wasting their money and getting pissed at the local pub. Of course this had the tendency to make Tobias even nastier than usual, and Severus could do nothing but hope he'd get good and drunk before suppertime so he'd pass out and leave the other two Snape's hardy and whole. Fortunately, Tobias also had the tendency to oblige.

Now as an adult, Severus liked to lock himself and his daughter away for a night of gifts, reading, and cocoa—drinking.

That was their tradition, and he did not want to change it now, d—mn it.

With a flute of mulled wine in hand, Severus stayed mostly in the corner, back against the wall so no one could sneak up behind him and demand conversation. Lilium leant against his leg, yawning periodically, clearly bored. Together, in solidarity, father and daughter endured mostly inane conversations from his coworkers, gritted their teeth at their very annoying merriness, and generally ignored the well—wishes for the new year whenever they were drunkenly directed their way.

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