Part 1: The Silent Pines

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I glance up at the fog splotched sky, and the curious moons that peaked over the horizon. I walk toward the blood red weeping willow with a tombstone at its feet. "Mother, I am alone in the woods, father left shortly after you did because of the heartbreak your absence caused.", I say. "I know nothing of my ancestors, or where I belong", I finish. "I stumble on every little thing I must do each and every day to insure my survival, but you can't help anymore.", I whisper. I place down a frond of fern and I leave. The silent pines around me whisper out shallow moans, and the chilling winds circle around me like a wintry blanket.

Beneath the dark autumn sky lay a barrier of snow capped mountains. I arrived at the doorstep of the quaint little cottage that sat between a river and the silent pines, just a short walk from the crimson willow. Inside the miniature cottage lay a dining table, a stone chimney tucked in the corner, and a door leading to the bedroom.

Within the bedroom lay a small black bed enveloped with a sheer white fabric, a small furry white rug lay at the feet of the bed, a small desk with a quill some ink and paper on top right next to the bed, and a lantern hanging from chains attached to the black hammerbeam roof. In the cubby hole in the desk was a herbal book handwritten by my mother, probably the only thing I had inherited from her, a black suede journal that I write in daily, and a small dark cherry wood jewelry box.

Even without the lantern's dim glow I would still be able to see through the transparent windows. Outside the window was a small little chicken coop, and a vast garden that gave me vegetables, herbs, and berries. I got my water from the river which rests next to my home. The vegetation and critters drink from the river daily signifying that it is uncontaminated as it has been since I was a child.

Yes, my home was small but it was comfortable and that's all I could ask for. Generations of unknown ancestors had lived in this very cottage, and most of my tainted memories were made here. Therefore, I am alone in the woods with no understanding of my family history or someone to go to in case of an emergency. Which is not good in the slightest, but I must make due with what I have. I walk outside to meet with a sudden surge of chilling wind gusts, and a small charcoal black pine snake with a black tongue. "Hello little one.", I crooned.

When I was about four or five I found a miniature egg and took it home. Within about forty-two days the egg had hatched to reveal a small black snakelet, which my father had determined to be a black pine snake, a very rare snake to find. Once I knew that the gender of the small snake was female I named the tiny reptilian Lemuria named after the lemurian jade also known as the black jade. The miniscule serpent had been my companion since then. Every night she would come to my doorstep seeking warmth, and every night I would let her in.

Today she looked very pale and her eyes were blue and milky, this signified that brumation season was upon us. She slowly slithered up my arm, and I went back inside. I placed her next to the fireplace that was full of dancing blues, greens, reds, and oranges, she curled up and went still. "Goodnight Jade." I mused.

The ivory sheets were captivating but I had to get up to do my daily chores. Downstairs my companion was laying next to the fireplace where I had placed her. I set a small cup of water next to her, which she slowly slithered to and drank from. From the kitchen window I could see the scarlet willow peaking over the edge of the pine trees. I sat down and opened my mothers herbal book and on the first page was the Blue Moon Wisteria which my mother had named me after; Wisteria Smith.

Luna was my middle name and the name my mother usually called me by unless I was in trouble. She only called me Wisteria when something important was happening like when the willow tree sprouted. Otherwise she called me Luna to keep things simple, I was an only child and all I had for company was Lemuria, because dad was usually gone hunting, and mother was usually out harvesting which I got to do once in a while.

Every now and then she would disappear, I never knew where she went but she was always headed towards the peaked mountain; Clarity peak. Ever since I was five I watched the willow tree grow taller and taller. About two years ago when I turned twenty the willow tree had reached its max height, but mother didn't get the chance to see it happen. I wish she had after all she planted it when I was only four years of age. Since her passing, not only my father left because of the heartbreak but I was only 17 turning 18 in a month. He had nothing left of me that was worth the effort. I refused to marry until I found a fit man, and I wasn't leaving the memories of my mother. So he decided I was better off alone and he left.

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