060. but i'm not above violence

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ACT THREE, chapter sixty :i'm just a child but i'm not above violencemy mama raised me better than that

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ACT THREE, chapter sixty :
i'm just a child but i'm not above violence
my mama raised me better than that


Severus ran.

Students cleared his path, wideeyed and fearful, of the Great Bat of the Dungeons who swept through the winding corridors with his black robes billowing like wings behind him. He was nearly there, if the burning in his legs and lungs were of any indication, and when he reached the blasted gargoyle and spat the password 'Ice Mice' (fcking Dumbledore), he knew this would not go well.

He should've known better. No, he did know better. He had predicted this, suspected this, worried about this.

Dmn it all, why did no one ever listen to him?!

Severus did not often allow his daughter to wander the castle, for both her safety and everyone else's, but Dumbledore liked to meddle and there his daughter had been... wandering. 'She is only a little girl, Severus,' said the meddling old fool, 'Let her be a child, Severus.' Dmn him. Now look what had happened!

The staircase finally stopped spinning, and Severus burst into the Headmaster's office without delay. Almost everyone already present in the room turned to stare — all except one. Lilium. His daughter sat on a chair too large for her by the overly grand desk, dark head down, her swinging feet not yet able to touch the floor. The flowers weaved into her hair looked singed from her usual accidental magic. Merlin save me.

"Oh, good, Severus, you're here," Albus said genially — too genially, folding his hands atop his desk, "Now we can begin."

Swiftly, Severus strode up to his daughter and gripped the back of her chair. Lilium hunched a bit more, but she didn't say a word or even acknowledge his presence. On the opposite side of the room sat a scratched and battered Gryffindor b—stard Severus already knew to be a pain in the arse, and seemingly his mother — if that telling pinched expression was genetic. Severus' lip instinctively.

"Is this her father?" The mother demanded, looking demandingly at Albus.

"Yes. Missus Delvaux, I would like you to meet Severus Snape, our esteemed Potions Master and youngest professor in Hogwarts history—,"

Severus rolled his eyes. The old man didn't need to give this woman his entire resume. With a heavy exhale, he interrupted, "Yes, yes, now that we've all been introduced, what is my daughter being accused of?"

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