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can't touch this by bia reverberated throughout the entirety of the empty blocked out street as amir sanford pulled up to next to his neighboring competition  as he stepped out the driver side of his red mustang, so did his sister yasmin sanford.

she smoothed her black mini skirt and brushed her curly hair out of her face, immediately scanning the area for her best friends. "are scarlet or gretchen here yet?"

"i obviously don't know yet," yasmin says with an eyeroll, causing amir to roll his as well, "i just texted them, though."

"alright, well i'm finna check out the competition then," amir tells her. his eyes suddenly narrow at her and she braces for the big brotherly speech. "you stay close, 'aight? and you already know..."

"don't go near him, yeah you engraved it in my psyche," yasmin finished with a sarcastic smile. "go on 'head, i'll text you."

yasmin watched as her brother slowly began making his way towards the neighboring cars, dapping up some of the people he knew  yasmin wore a smile on her face as she herself checked out the competition. she nodded towards a guy who leaned against his gen-1 1967 ford mustang, which was painted a dark grey. he nodded back appreciatively being the sister of one of the most respected racers meant that if yasmin sanford liked your car, you earned her and her brother's respect. yasmin didn't really care about being respected, she just liked people's rides.

a ding from her phone caught her attention as she pulled it out, seeing a text from gretchen saying that she's just arrived with her boyfriend waylon she looks up and, in the distance next to some other cars, she sees waylon's white toyota supra pulling up. yasmin watches with her arms crossed as the couple steps out the car, waylon immediately going to gretchen and holding her by the waist.

yasmin approaches them with a small grin residing on her lips and her arms across her chest. gretchen smiles widely when she sees her best friend, immediately wriggling out of waylon's grip as she meets yasmin in the middle and pulls the girl into a hug.

"did you see that white supra with the blue lights?" gretchen asks yasmin, to which she shakes her head and quirks an eyebrow curiously. "apparently that's chris, matt, nick, and nate's best friend. she's a racer."

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