˗ˏˋ ꒰ 002. ꒱ ˎˊ˗

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amir, matt, kate, waylon, the guy whose name was ricky, another guy named stephen, and chris's cars were all lined up a long the yellow line, the revving of their engines probably able to heard three cities over.

yasmin's eyes roved over all the front of the different engines, and she could feel the excitement building up. when her eyes landed on chris's car though however, his eyes had already been on hers. he sent her a wink and a salute, revving his engine louder than the rest causing her to roll her eyes at the action.

suddenly, a familiar set of brown locs could be seen walking in front towards the yellow mark as she held a yellow bandana in her hand scarlet antonia grinned as she gripped the side of her yellow checkered jacket, holding the bandana up.

"what the fuck, she looks so good!" yasmin said from beside gretchen, the other girl nodding with a giggle as she points to matt's car subtly.

"girl look, matt can't stop staring at her!" gretchen pointed out, both looking at matt as his eyes raked scarlet's figure, and he gave her a wave.

scarlet gave a subtle wave back, grinning. "racers, are you ready?"

a loud revving of the engines could be heard once again, and gretchen gave yasmin's hand a squeeze in excitement.


scarlet waved the yellow bandana quickly, and the screeching of tires sounded throughout the street as multiple cheers came from the crowd as the cars were off before he had completely taken off, yasmin caught sight of chris shooting the girl yet another wink.

the crowd of people quickly followed as they ran to catch all action from the race the only thing yasmin could see were the tire marks left behind from the cars, but her main focus had been on kate's car anyway; she knew kate was gonna dust that idiot. 

"bitch, i thought you couldn't make it?" gretchen said excitedly when scarlet had finally walked over to them, a grin plastered on her face.

"i was not about to miss this one," scarlet giggled, pulling her best friends into a hug. she pulled away and clapped her hands together with wide eyes. "by the way, have you guys met kate madison? she's so-"

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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