Stroll through Town

150 4 6

(A few hours after the first page)

Husk sat at the bar, cleaning the counter top. He glanced at Angel sitting on the couch. He couldn't help but let a small smile slither its way on his face.

"Holy stars, that's not a duck, that's a goose! There's a big difference." Husk glanced over to where he heard the yelling. Husk sighs as he sees Lucifer and Alastor arguing....again.

Husk wonders what they're arguing about, but quickly shakes off the question. He doesn't want to get involved in anything with Alastor.

Eventually Charlie walks up to them and quickly diffuses the situation. "Alastor, dad, I think you two need some help with your...situation"

"Oh dear, what situation are you talking about? There's plenty with this little one." Alastor says mockingly, making fun of Lucifers height. He growled at Alastor and smacked his leg with his cane.

Charlie groaned and got in front of them.

Husk shakes his head and looks over at Angel. He walks over to him and sits down.

"Do I wanna know?" Angel asks, keeping his eyes on his phone. Husk looks back at the commotion. "No. No you don't." Husk looks back at Angel.

"So, Angel. What time are we leaving?" Husk asks, attempting to change the topic.

"Oh, um, around 4:30. Why? Did you change your mind?" Angel hoped he didn't. He was really looking forward to spending a nice night with Husk.

Husk quickly shakes his head, placing his hands up to his chest. "No, no. I was just wondering. You know, it'd be nice to get out of this hotel for once. It gets gloomy quickly." Husk glances over at the argument going on.

Angel chuckles. "Yeah. It'd be wonderful. Just me and you." He quickly stops talking and looks over at Husk. "As friends, ya know?" Angel awkwardly chuckles. "I mean, unless you want to go as more than friends..or.. I'm babbling, arent I?" Angel chuckles to himself.

Husk joins in and chuckles. "Just a little, Angel." Husk and Angel stay quiet for a second. "What time is it?" Husk asked.

Angel looks back down at his phone. "It's 12:45." Husk slowly nods, thinking of what to say next. "You wanna go downtown with me to pass the time? You don't have to if you don't want to, I mean, you probably don't want to spend the whole entire day with me and-"

Husk gets cut off by Angel placing his finger up to his mouth. "Now you're babbling." He chuckles. "I'd love to go with you." He takes his finger away from Husk.

Husk smiles. "Alright, let's get out before Alastor and Lucifer make us build a new hotel."

Angel and Husk both laugh as they get up and head to the door. Husk opens it and bows down. "After you."

Angel smiles and steps out of the hotel. "Such a gentleman."

"Alright, let's go."Husk closes the door behind him and links arms with Angel.


As they walk through downtown, Angel looks in awe at a donut shop. He races over to it and stares at all of the donuts in the window. He puts on his best puppy dog eyes and begs Husk to let him get donuts.

Husk sighed and gave in. "Fine, I am kind of hungry." Husk opens the door and before he can step foot into the store, Angel races in, almost knocking Husk over. He immediately goes to the counter and orders 12 donuts. Husk finds a seat and sits down, waiting for Angel to return.

He eventually returns to Husk with a box of a dozen donuts. "We can split them evenly, Husk. I get 6 and you get 6. It's perfect!" Angel opens the box and grabs 4 donuts with each of his hands.

Husk smiles and grabs a donut. He takes a bite and watches Angel eat his donuts. "You really like donuts, huh?" Husk chuckles. Angel looks up at him, finishing the fourth donut.

"Uhm, I don't get to eat junk food much. Valentino, ya know?"

Husk's smile fades to a frown. "Right. Well, I'm not so hungry. You can have mine. We'll eat later anyways." Husk finishes the donut he had in his hand and watched Angel as he teared up.

"What's wrong? Did I say something?" Angel just shakes his head. "Thank you, Husk." He wipes his tears and eats the rest of the donuts.

"No problem." Husk answered.

Husk checked the clock behind him. 1:57 it read. "We still have about 2 hours until we go to dinner. Where to next?" Husk asks Angel, not really sure where to go. He was planning on just walking around, but that gets boring quickly.

"Hmmm. How about we go to the mall. It's just down the road from here." Angel stood up, holding his hand out for Husk. Husk grabs his hand and Angel pulls him up. "Sure. We can go to the mall. I don't have much on me, so don't buy too much."

"Angel, I said don't buy too much." Husk angrily groaned at Angel. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. There was so much cool stuff. I couldn't pick." Angel whined.

Husk sighs and hands Angel a few bags. "Alright, well, we should head back to the hotel and get ready for the dinner." Angel just nods and they both begin walking back to the hotel.

Husk and Angel enter the Hotel, chuckling to each other.

"So, Husk, did you have fun with little old me?" Angel asked, placing the bags on the floor.

"Of course. All though, I wish you didn't buy so much." Husk places his hands on his hips, appearing angry(he obviously isn't).

"Hey, ya can't blame a guy for being spoiled."

Husk smiles and helps Angel take the bags to his room.

"Here, let me get the door for you." Angel opens the door to his bedroom, allowing Husk to enter. He places Angels bags on the floor next to his bed.

Husk jumps as he feels something rub against his paws. "Oh, it's just you. Hey little guy." Husk leans down and rubs Fat Nuggets' head. The little pig oinks happily.

"He likes you." Angel spoke, walking up to them. He picked up Fat Nuggets and placed him on his bed.

Husk glanced at the clock. "Well, we should probably get ready. I'll leave you to it." Husk walked out the door and closed it behind himself.

He went to his room and entered slowly. He glanced to the floor near his bathroom. The shattered shards of glass from his broken mirror laid on the floor. He never allowed Niffty in here. It was a lot of work, but he was able to keep the little gremlin out.

Husk kept telling himself he'd clean it later. He entered the bathroom and stared at where the mirror was supposed to be. He sighed to himself and left the bathroom.

He sat on his bed and stared at the wall. He became lost in thought for about 5 minutes. Thinking about nothing in particular.

Once he snapped out of it, he stood up and went to his closet. He had a few old suits from his time being an overlord. He decided to put on an old navy blue suit with gold cuffs and a gold bowtie.(Just imagine the suit he had as an overlord in the flashback)

After he put it on, he brushed off as much dust as he could. It's been a while since he wore it. It brought back faint memories. Memories he didn't like thinking about.

He sighed deeply and left his room, closing the door behind him. He went downstairs and sat waiting for Angel.

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