Death Boats and Other Strange Occurrences.

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Klaire was riding on the most marvelous boat she had ever seen in her years of existence. It was an astonishing color. Although, Klaire was sure that she could have made it slightly better by altering the color scheme of the entire thing. Even so, it was not her job, so she said nothing and continued to watch what was going on around her.

After riding for a long time, they came across a castle. "Hogwarts." she thought. The castle had architecture she couldn't constructively criticize, which mildly annoyed her.  The other thing about the castle which slightly annoyed her was the fact that there was so many people. Klaire was an introvert, so this frustrated her more than being unable to one-up something.

Being an introvert was hard for someone with famous parents though. The Hawthorne family name was very well known. Klaire knew this fact, as her parents were renowned curse-breakers that had disappeared when she was but five years old. Klaire assumed she could avoid any stray questions by not talking to people, which wouldn't be a problem for an introvert.

The boat creaked. It was an awful sound. "Death Boats." Klaire thought. They probably weren't made very well considering the fact that they had to paddle to get to this castle in the first place. 

Klaire felt kind of bad though, as the brunette girl right next to her seemed really tired. She also kept side-eyeing the blonde boy sitting on a boat next to them. The boy was kind of cute in Klaire's opinion. He seemed to be up to no good though, as when her saw the brunette looking at him, he smiled and winked. "Woah, she does not look happy about that." Thought Klaire.

Eventually, they reached the shore. All of the students got off of their boats and started up towards the castle. The brunette girl still was staring, very annoyed, at the blonde boy. Klaire  wondered why that was, but decided not to put too much thought into it as she walked up to the Castle.

Surprisingly, the door was really tall. Klaire wasn't sure that any student would ever be twenty feet tall, but she guessed that it was to add to the medieval look of the castle. 

"Everyone, please report to the great hall." A woman who looked like a professor said.

It wasn't hard to find the great hall. All of the doors that could have been taken were shut. The great hall seemed to be a cafeteria. Klaire watched as many people her age took a seat at one of the many tables. It didn't take long for her to find a seat though, Klaire was not picky.

Klaire guessed that this was the time of the night where they would be sorted into houses. That's what most of the kids around her were talking about anyways. You would hear one student saying he wanted to be a Slytherin, while another talked about wanting to be a Hufflepuff. Klaire herself was not sure what house she would want to be in. However, she definitely did not want to be a Hufflepuff, as the girl next to her who was saying that she wished to be a Hufflepuff was annoying and wouldn't stop talking.

Kalire eventually got bored of listening to others conversations and decided to study the room. She saw the banners of the four houses. They were all hung up the perfect distance from each other. It was stunning how great of architecture this place had. Now with that, it seemed to have great interior design too. It was uncanny, but it was magical, so it was probably normal.

A hush fell over everyone in the great hall, as a man standing at the front announced: "Bring out the sorting hat!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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