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It was finally the weekend again which means Miranda and Taylor were knocking out their project to get Emilys old room transformed into a good guest room which honestly only was going to involve painting and getting a new mattress. They went and got the paint and mattress first thing Saturday morning. Taylor managed to get both mattresses moved and Miranda helped to bring the paint in before going to clean their bedroom and bathroom while he painted. Once he was finished Miranda came in and organized everything to finish it off  "this will definitely do let me grab a picture" Miranda told him pulling her phone out

"Do you think maybe we could add a little rack in the laundry room with hangers" she asked him "sure it would just require a quick trip to Walmart" Taylor told her "that's fine let's go now so we can get our renovations done today that we're going...

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"Do you think maybe we could add a little rack in the laundry room with hangers" she asked him "sure it would just require a quick trip to Walmart" Taylor told her "that's fine let's go now so we can get our renovations done today that we're going to do" she told him as they headed off to Walmart

Once back Taylor went and got his drill ready before going to the laundry room as Miranda was holding the rack up on the wall just waiting on him to stick the screws in "ready when you are" Miranda told him "give me one second and we'll have this done in no time" he said grabbing all the screws he'd need heading over and getting it hung "thank you " Miranda told him "anytime but I hope you don't have any more renovation ideas because I'm exhausted" he said "I think your good for now" she joked back "good" he said giving her a slight chuckle heading off to the kitchen to grab the bologna sandwich off the counter Miranda had prepared for them earlier before going to turn on animal planet as she snapped a quick picture

Once back Taylor went and got his drill ready before going to the laundry room as Miranda was holding the rack up on the wall just waiting on him to stick the screws in "ready when you are" Miranda told him "give me one second and we'll have this ...

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Before heading in to do the same "I reckon I've worked you enough around here lately for you to be able to relax a little" she joked "you think" he joked back "I guess" she said putting her feet into his lap leaning back on the couch after finishing her sandwich. They laid like that for a few hours before getting up and deciding they wanted dinner at Florieta so they got changed and showered before heading out "you look really beautiful " Taylor told her seeing her in a blue dress "thank you" she told him grabbing her purse and heading out "ya know after a second look you really don't look to bad yourself" she told him getting into her car "thank you" he told her giving her a kiss

Once they got to Florieta he opened her door helping her out and heading in. As they sat down and ordered they began to talk "so anything new this week in pregnancy" he asked "not really besides continuing to get fatter" she said in response "has your back been any better" he asked "not really but unfortunately I think it's only going to get worse until I have him" she said "well I'm sorry if there is anything I can do to help please let me know" he told her grabbing her hand across the table "will do but know that you already do so much that helps. Between your endless back rubs and preparing me hot baths I'm good" she told him "well thank you but there's always more I can do in general" he told her "so what are you thinking about me going on a golfing trip in 2 weeks and you go on a girls trip to the beach in 2 weeks same weekend " he asked her "I would love that only hating not getting to be with you" she told him "alright I'll let everyone know then. It'll be the weekend before our baby shower and the last trip either of us will be able to take before baby boy is born" he said coming to the realization he'll really be here that soon "yes it's so wild to think how fast it's going by" she told him "I agree" he said as they got their food and ate before heading out and heading home "when we get home I'm going to get in my pajamas and watch some of the Blackhawks game" he told her pulling out of the parking lot "I'm going to get into PJs and either watch some of the Blackhawks game or scroll TikTok maybe even both" Miranda told him

Once they got home they both went to get changed and heading to the living room. Miranda to scroll TikTok and Taylor to watch the Blackhawks game. At first they were on opposite ends before Miranda climbed over and laid down in Taylors lap as he put one of his arms around her and continued to watch the game "I'm getting kinda sleepy I think I may head on to bed " Miranda told him a couple hours later "okay sounds like a plan I'm going to come and join you" he told her getting up double checking the locks before heading to prepare for bed climbing in and immediately starting to rub her back so she could fall asleep faster "I love you so much" she told him " I love you too " he said giving her a kiss continuing to rub her back until she fell asleep. Once she was asleep he turned over and went to sleep himself.

*As always thank you for reading 🙏. Please feel free to leave and suggestions or feedback in the comments. I  hope you enjoyed reading it*

A Love Story : Miranda and Taylor Where stories live. Discover now