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Sarah had been here about a week now and was leaving in a couple days and had one more adventure planned

Taylor and Miranda had just woken up and got Liam fed as Sarah woke up coming downstairs "y'all are up early it's only 6:45 normally he sleeps until about 7:30 once you feed him at 4 " she said "yeah he woke up early hungry we've been up about 30 minutes" Miranda said "oh dang that's shocking did he overall though sleep good" she asks "so so he was up at 12, 2:30, 4:30, and again at 6" Taylor said "yep it was brutal normally he only wakes up at 12:30 and 4 before getting up for a while at 7:30" Miranda said "I hate that. Do y'all still want to go to the aquarium today or not since y'all had such a rough night" Sarah asked "up to Miranda" Taylor told them "we can still go. We'll be there when they open" Miranda told them "okay sounds good do I need to cook breakfast or are we going to grab something on the way " Sarah asked "we'll just grab something on the way make it easier for everyone" Miranda told her as she got up handing Taylor Liam "I'm going to go get ready if you wouldn't mind holding him" Miranda said "of course not I'd love to" Taylor said cuddling Liam "I'm going to go get ready real quick too" said Sarah "sounds good" he said as Miranda and Sarah went to get ready and he cuddled Liam. A little while later Miranda walked out "do you need me to get him real quick so you can go get changed" she asked "yes if you don't have anything else to do real quick otherwise " Taylor told her "I don't besides get him changed" she said "okay sounds good" he told her handing Liam to her to go get changed "you look very beautiful" he told her as he went to head onto the bedroom "thank you" she said.

About 45 minutes later everyone was ready and getting in the car as Taylor grabbed the car seat and diaper bag and Miranda had her purse and the keys. Taylor got Liam's diaper bag to Miranda to put in the floor board when they got to the car and latched Liam in before getting Mirandas door for her "thank you" she told him as she went to get in "my pleasure" he told her. "I know I've not been here but a week to really see how y'all go about everything and all but I've yet to get in a vehicle with y'all and him not open your door is that every time" Sarah asked "yep I don't think he's ever not gotten my door for me" Miranda told her "lucky" was all Sarah got out

They got to the aquarium and Miranda got the stroller out to put Liams car seat in as she hung her purse on the handle bars as Taylor put Liams diaper bag in the bottom pouch "do you want to push it or me" he asked "I'll get it and let you know if I get tired of doing it" Miranda said "sounds good" he said as they went and saw all the exhibits and ate lunch before heading back home that afternoon around 4:30. Once they got home Taylor helped to empty the car and get Miranda and Liam in "I'm so exhausted after that" Miranda said "I could tell there towards the end " Taylor said "yeah would you mind if I went to take a nap" she asked "not at all go right a head you have a few bottles pumped in fridge I can feed if he gets hungry I'll stay up and cook dinner" Taylor told her "okay and I'll go clean the laundry room and guest bathroom and bedroom"Sarah said "sounds good" said Taylor and Miranda as Miranda went to head for a nap as Taylor threw some steaks and Hotdogs on the grill and some fries on the stove. Shortly after Sarah joined him and Liam on the patio "you enjoyed your trip so far" he asked "oh yes it's been the best and I already can't wait for next time" she said "that's good. I think we're planning on driving out to Fresno after we go to Lancaster next week make sure everyone gets to meet him" he told her "that'll be fun" Sarah said "yeah hopefully he'll do good on long car rides like that I know he does good around Chicago but that's a lot shorter distance than Lancaster and Fresno" Taylor told her "yeah hopefully he will. Do y'all know if your going to stay in a hotel in Fresno or a house because mines always free if y'all want. I have a spare bedroom" she told him "I think Miranda said maybe staying with your mom but I'll keep that in mind if we don't. I'd prefer with a baby to stay in a house as much as we can but I do know driving to California we'll stay overnight somewhere because it's way to far to just drive straight through moreso with a newborn " he told her "yeah I bet. I don't blame y'all" Sarah told him as the steaks and hotdogs finished and she got the fries off of the stove and into a bowl on the counter. "I'll be right back I'm going to go get me a shower and then if your sister isn't up by then I'll get her up so we can all eat. Will you watch Liam" Taylor asked Sarah "yes of course we'll just be out in the living room waiting " she told him as he headed off to get a shower and into his shorts and t shirt to wear until bedtime and then went out into his and Miranda's bedroom and lightly tapped her as she started to stir awake "what is it" she groaned "dinners done and it's about 6:30 now" Taylor told her "okay thank you" she told him climbing out of bed " did you sleep good" Taylor asked as he pulled her into him giving her a kiss "yes I was out like a light the whole time. Thank you for cooking dinner and watching after Liam long enough for me to get a good 1 1/2 nap in" she told him giving him another kiss "not a problem" he said as they headed back out to eat dinner before Miranda fed Liam "I think tonight we should be give Liam his first little bath" Miranda said "sounds good with me and probably he is a week old now" Taylor said "yeah can you get his stuff out of the nursery right quick while I get him ready "of course" Taylor said as he went to get it. Once in the kitchen Miranda handed Liam over to Taylor so she could set his little bath up in the sink as he put him down in it gently and they rinsed him off with a little rag before getting him out and putting on his pajamas "can you go sit on the couch with him while I get this put up real quick then I'll get him" Miranda asked Taylor "why wouldn't I " he replied walking over to the couch cuddling with Liam as Miranda walks back out and Taylor hands him to her "hey babe I have a question do you think you could run to Walmart real quick and get us a bedside sleeper to put on my side of the bed for Liam" Miranda asked Taylor "I guess. Why" Taylor responded "we're having to get up with him way to much during the night to have him in a whole other room it's exhausting" she told him "that's true. I'll be back do we need anything else" he asked her "not that I can think of " Miranda told him "what about you Sarah" he asked Sarah "no thank you" she told him as he grabbed his keys and gave Miranda a kiss "I love you. If you think of anything else while I'm gone just let me know" he told her as he left

About an hour later Taylor returned and put the sleeper together on Mirandas side of the bed as he went out to the living room and sat with everyone for a while watching HGTVs "Love it or List it". About 9:30 Miranda put Liam into his sleeper and came back out to the living room immediately sitting down in Taylors lap "you ready for bed yet " she asked him "not really but I can be if you want to go to bed and me come lay with you" he said "if you wouldn't mind" she replied as they got up "I'm going to check and make sure everything is locked up and then I'm going to bed too. If you need anything just holler" Taylor told Sarah as she told them good night and kept watching TV as Miranda and Taylor went to get ready for bed before climbing into bed with Taylor immediately shooting over to Miranda immediately wrapping her in his arms "I love you so much" he whispered to her "I love you too" she whispered back trying not to wake Liam up "do you think when your cleared that having Liam right there will affect our sex life" Taylor asked as Miranda chuckled "a man will be a man won't they" Miranda joked "I was just curious" he said with a laugh "but to answer your question idk hopefully he's not still in our room at that point" she told him "okay we will also have our guest bedroom free again by then too" he told her "its true what they say about a man having a one tract mind I guess" she said laughing as he laughed too before she buried her head on his chest and fell asleep before Taylor shortly after fell asleep as well.

  *As always thank you for reading 🙏. Please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. *

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