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MUCH LIKE every other half-blood Sofia did not wanna be a half-blood. she was always bullied no matter what school she went too and no matter how tough she was. it was either "you're so weak" or "you're so scary" either way both hurt her. at the age of 10 her dad made her take archery lessons and she was kicked out after the third lesson for two reasons. One of them being because she didn't need them. For some reason she was already amazing at archery. And the other reason being because she threatened too shoot someone with and arrow because they were being mean too her. Her dad wasn't the nicest person either. he was always pissed when she would get kicked out of school left and right. even if he knew why he still was pissed as hell. she was 10 (she's twelve now) when she got to camp half-blood. one day her dad told her to pack her things and to get in the car. he sounds angry so Sofia did what she was told. and she got in the car with all her things her dad dropped her off in a forest and drove away and never came back. Sofia fell asleep and woke up in camp half-blood, in the infirmary. when she realized she was no where near home she started to grab her backpack and walk out the infirmary when she bumped into 2 people who seemed like one was nice and one was mean. but Sofia was completely wrong. one of them was basically half a goat and half a boy and one of them was a girl with really pretty braids and a lot of random attitude. "woah are you okay?" the goat boy asked while helping Sofia up off the ground. "yeah im fine sorry" Sofia said while standing up and dusting herself off. "it's okay.. uhm are you like new here?" The goat boy said with a slight confused look on his face. Sofia took it that they have been here longer than she has so she nodded her head. "yeah uhm im Sofia Carson.. but you can call me Sofi everyone does." Sofia said while putting her hand into her jeans back pocket. she looked at the boy and girl and slightly smiled at them. "oh cool im grover." the goat boy said pointing at himself then at the girl next to him. "and this is annabeth." annabeth gave Sofia a smile, it was a warming smile. Sofia knew she wanted to be best friends with annabeth but knowing the rules of well... life, she didn't just jump up and ask to be annabeths best friend. instead she complemented her. "nice too meet you both. and annabeth? your name is really pretty." Sofia said. for some reason Sofia regretted what she had said as soon as she said it. but it made annabeth smile a bit "oh..uhm thanks." annabeth said then looked like something had popped into her head. "where were you planing on going? you seemed like you were in a rush." Sofia sighed and smiled "oh I need too know where I am. I just woke up here and I don't know this place or anything. But it looks like some sort of-" Sofia was cut off by grover budding in "camp? yeah well welcome to camp half-blood" grover said while smiling but Sofia was confused as hell. she didn't even know what a half-blood was unless you were talking about Harry Potter. "half- what?" Sofia said while her eyes flickered from grover to annabeth and back at grover. "half-blood. camp for demigods? camp for the children of Greek gods?" Grover said it like Sofia was supposed to know this stuff already. but Sofia was just dumped off into the forest then woke up here so how was she supposed to know anything. "Greek gods..? no way. im not a half-blood. I know about the gods yeah, but I don't think im a half-blood." Sofia said while shaking her head in disbelief. she felt like this was a joke. but it really wasn't. "well Chiron doesn't bring humans to camp half-blood Sofia." Annabeth said with attitude while crossing her arms and sighing. "Chiron? Like... like the centaur Chiron? is he the camp director?" Sofia asked. she was absolutely amazed by everything even thought she didn't believe anything that was being told to her. "Yes. well. no. Yes he is The Chiron but no he isn't the camp director. Dionysus is the camp director." Grover said with a slight smile on his face. "DIO-" Sofia calmed herself down before continuing her scentence. "Dionysus... like the god of alcoholism or something is the camp director?" Sofia asked. And annabeth chuckled "god of wine making. and yes he is the camp director." annabeth said while smiling "great take me to him." Sofia was in a rush to find out what the hell is going on. why she woke up in so called camp half-blood, and why so far people are telling her she's a half-blood. "Sofia it's not that easy. you can't just talk to the camp director." Grover spoke again. slightly still confused on what Sofia was thinking. "Grover right? Look, I don't know why im here. I don't know anything. I just wanna know what this place is and when I can go home." Sofia sighed and crossed her arms. Grover and annabeth exchanged looks. it looked like they knew how Sofia felt. "okay. fine we'll take you too him." grover finally spoke. He had slight hesitation in his voice "thanks." Sofia said finally relaxed a little bit. it felt like she's finally made some friends. "hey maybe you'll find out your godly parent!" Grover said, trying to lighten up the mood. "oh no im not a half-blood. someone just made a mistake." Sofia said while chuckling. grover and annabeth exchanged looks again it seemed like they knew something Sofia didn't.
AUTHORS NOTE !! omg 1012 words just for the prologue?! im done. anyways im excited to start writing CH.1 AHH!!

THE END IS NO WHERE NEAR , Percy Jackson Where stories live. Discover now