001. "A NEW ONE?!"

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SOFI HAD just gotten in trouble. again. she was waiting in mr.D's office, well not technically waiting just sitting there because Mr.D had his sunglasses on and was laid back like he was sleeping.

He wasn't disciplining her, he was just there and so was she. she always got in trouble. so much that there was nothing else for her to say or do. Her punishment was to just sit there and do nothing for 30 minutes.

Suddenly a curly haired blonde boy walked in and looked at Mr.D "hello? I'm Percy Jackson.. I don't know what im doing here.." Percy said. Mr.D huffed and yelled as if someone were in the other room.

"PETER JOHNSON IS HERE!" He yelled. Sofi chuckled slightly and then looked at Percy. "Okay... that's.. that's not my name.." Percy said. Sofi noticed how sassy Percy was and laughed. Percy still hadn't noticed her, he was stuck in a world full of confusion.

"PERCY! Wait!" Grover said while his hooves ran towards Percy. Grover was a saytr and even he looked 12 he was actually 24. Grover was about to speak again but he noticed Sofi was next to them sitting on the floor leaned against the wall.

"Sofi? what did you do this time..?" Grover said in a whiny voice. Grover was used to Sofi getting in trouble all the time. Some of the time it wasn't her fault. and most of the time it was.

"I didn't even do anything!" Sofi put her hands up as if she were getting arrested. Percy finally noticed Sofi and made a confused look at Grover. Grover looked at Percy then back at Sofi then Percy again.

"OH! sorry Percy, this is Sofia daughter of Persephone!" Grover said while pointing at sofi. Sofi rolled her eyes and stood up. "Grover don't make it seem like it's a good thing." she walked up to him and patted him in the shoulder.

"HEY! Your 30 minutes isn't up Zoey!" Mr.D said while pointing at her. After all the years sofi had been there Mr.D still didn't know her name.

"Well then zoey can stay here. My name is Sofi And I Say my time is up. GOODBYE!" she turned around and walked away. There was no wind but her hair still flowed like there was.

Percy and Grover watched as Sofi walked away and Mr.D spoke again. "Ahem! Do you need something" Mr.D said with sass. Both Percy and Grover turned to him and Percy spoke "oh yeah right so uhm..."


SOFI WAS in cabin 11. she was claimed. Even though she was claimed she liked hanging out in cabin 11 because her mindset was if it took this long for her mom to claim her then she can hang out were she wants.

Sofi sat on her bed debating whether or not she should take a nap. When Percy walked in with a half man half horse person, Chiron. he wasn't the camp director but he should have been instead of Mr.D.

"Everyone! Everyone of cabin 11 please welcome Percy Jackson! please treat him with kindness and respect." Chrion said. Chrion walked away and Percy was left standing there at the door.

The chatter in cabin 11 stopped as Percy walked to his sleeping bag on the floor, then it started up again. Sofi rolled her eyes and laid on her friends bed thinking to herself "a new one?! Seriously?!"

Sofi hated when there was new kids. Especially in cabin 11, because most kids were unclaimed in camp half-blood so they went to Hermes cabin until they were claimed. Unfortunately for Sofi, people wouldn't get claimed until they have been here for a while. Sofi had been at camp half-blood for 2, almost 3 years. And she just got claimed 1 month ago.

Sofia was annoyed already and decided to leave her cabin before she had re-meeting Percy again. She decided to go find her best friend Annabeth and talk with her hoping to get things that she didn't know were on her mind, off her mind.


AS SOFI walked to try and find Annabeth she bumped into a curly haired girl. Clarisse la rue. Clarisse and Sofi were friends but Clarisse was always mean to Sofi like she was with everyone so at times Sofi didn't believe that they were "friends".

"Watch it screw up." Clarisse said while looking down at Sofi. Sofi got up quickly and dusted herself off "are you on a being smart strike?! You bumped into me." Sofi said while crossing her arms.

Everyone one was scared of Clarisse even her own friends, but not Sofi. She's the fearless type is what you would say. That's what you get when you're a daughter of Persephone isn't it?

"Excuse me?!" Clarisse said while walking up closer to Sofi. "Did I stutter?" Sofi looked Clarisse in the eye and kept a straight face. Even though a situation like that would easily make her laugh.

"You better watch it, just because someone like you got claimed doesn't mean you're all big and bad. You're still the same scrawny little scaredy cat you always were." Clarisse said. She pushed Sofi with her shoulder while she walked away.


"ANNABETH!" Sofi waved annabeth over and smiled at her. Annabeth jogged over and smiled at her. "Hey Sofi!" Annabeth had a huge smile on her face.

Sofi and Annabeth had been friends ever since Sofi came to camp. When they first met they both had a lot of attitude. and that's what they liked most about each other.

"did you hear about the new kid?" Sofia said while walking with Annabeth, they had no destination they were just.. walking. "new kid? What new kid?" Annabeth stuttered slightly. Sofi noticed and shook her head.

"His name is like Percy Jackson. He has blonde curly hair, blue eyes, and he's pretty sassy." Sofia and Annabeth laughed. Annabeth sighed and smiled

"you know for someone who just got claimed a month ago.. you seem pretty chill about it." Sofia looked down at the ground then back up. She didn't like talking about the fact that she was claimed for some reason.

"Oh sorry I didn't-" Annabeth tried saving herself, seeing Sofi's facial expressions. Annabeth didn't know why she didn't like to talk about it but she knew it would be better to just apologize.

"No it's fine really" Sofi gave a reassuring smile to Annabeth and she gave one right back. "Okay well im going to go back... I'll see you later I guess!" Annabeth waved Sofi goodbye and smiled. Sofi waved back but her smiled faded quickly.

Annabeth was a child of Athena, which meant she was intelligent, loyal and reckless. And even though Sofi was annabeths best friend, she was still jealous of her at times. Sofi didn't feel intelligent like annabeth was. She didn't feel loyal like annabeth was. And she didn't feel kind like annabeth was. she kinda felt just.. there.


I love sofi angst in the first chapter 🤭
check out my tt : talesalign !!

THE END IS NO WHERE NEAR , Percy Jackson Where stories live. Discover now