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The Chase

Rowan coughed up blood and groaned, and with a groggy voice, he looked at the young shifter. "She isn't your mate. You feel the connection, but there is no imprinting when you look in her eyes." Edward's head snapped toward his best friend; Jacob looked over at Rowan. "It kills you to know that no matter how good you are for that person. How much you love and admire them; you are nothing but a plaything. Someone that they used in order not to be alone anymore. All you could think about is how things would be different if you just had more time with them. They would choose you, they won't choose you, pup."

   The vampling very slowly got on all fours to get up. Edward tried to reach out to help, "Don't touch me, old man." He growled, closing his eyes, Rowan took a deep breath and pushed himself up. Only to bend over and vomit up blood. Groaning, he limped and wobbled over to the other wolf. "I may not know everything, or even if that is how you truly feel. Just know that you aren't alone and if you need it. I'll be here to help, I had to go through that pain all alone. I wouldn't wish that on anyone." The injured hybrid bent down and reached out his pale, tanned hand. "That is only if you want it," his genuine words let Jacob know how sincere he was.

   Hesitantly, Jacob grabbed his hand, and Rowan pulled him up effortlessly. While this was happening, Bella was making her way back to the group. Rowan had heard her the entire time and rolled his eyes when she stumbled. "I thought the person I loved was going to be my forever as well, but he chose to leave me and then chose someone else." He sighed and looked at Jake, "Let's get you home to your pack members. I'll walk with you for as far as I can go without upsetting your packmates or breaking the treaty." The wolf nodded and followed him; Jacob felt like the world had been lifted off of his shoulders. He knew that he wasn't alone anymore. Someone understood him, someone took the time to listen to what he wanted to scream.


   It was a comfortable silence as they walked. Not too long after they began their walk, Rowan was fully healed. He knew he'd have to get a few bones reset by Carlisle, but he knew Rosalie would help. He helped Jacob with some ridges and high roots. So he wouldn't hurt himself too much as they walked. When they reached the river, which was the treaty line, Rowan stopped right at the riverbank. "So, what are you?" Jacob found his voice box, "I can't smell or even sense you."

   The 288-year-old laughed, "I can't just go around saying what I am. I could get experimented on, killed, tortured, and so on." He ruffled the russet's raven hair. "Been there, done that, no thank you. Maybe if we get closer, I'll tell you." He winked with a finger to his plump lips. "This is as far as I can take you, my new friend. I need to grab my bag I left and find shelter until I finish mine."

   With that, the vampling was gone, jogging over to his bag. He had stopped when he heard a familiar voice.  Edward wasn't looking or paying attention to his surroundings, just Bella. He smiled slightly when she asked about the condition, "-and then forever." She was confused because that was what she told him the whole time. "Marry me, Bella."

   Rowan closed his eyes and bit his lip. 'I thought that was saved for us. I was right, once again. How is it that you are the only person who makes me hate being right?' Edward's head kept turning as his eyes searched. 'I thought our love would be forever. I should've known better than to trust your words, Edward Cullen.' While Bella felt a gust of strong wind. Edward saw the one person he didn't want to hear his proposal. They made eye contact before he left. My father would have never done this to my mother. Everything Edward has done to me, Bella, and this tribe. Selfish bastard.

⛧🕯☽༺❤︎Eclipse❤︎༻☾ 🕯⛧

He finished his house, building it himself to disturb the land as little as possible. He was no Esme, but he learned a thing or two from her. Rowan thought the placement of his home was ironic. In the woods, right near the river, he has become attached to. Making sure that he had his instrument room, studio, and small library. It took him longer than he'd like to finish his house. Mainly because he was forced to help the Cullens figure out the disappearances and killings.

   He told them he needed his 'me' time, and if he didn't get it. Someone's limbs are going to fly or be burned. Jacob had been visiting him more often, and he wasn't sure why. Grabbing his violin, Rowan goes out to his back porch. He took a deep breath and began to play this song in his mind.  (video up top)


While taking a small nap, an aggravatingly heavy pounding came to his front door. Getting a whiff of who was at the door, he groaned. "Alice, leave me alone. Go bother your boyfriend Edward or your boy toy Jasper." Since he's been here he has noticed a few odd things when it came to the pixie and her supposed mate. Rubbing his eyes, he gets up, knowing she won't leave. "What. What is so important is that you have to break my door down, Mary Alice."

   "Ouch, not the government name Rowan. That hurts. Remember the issue with the redhead, Victoria?" Rowan rolls his eyes and nods. "Well, she is coming in an hour. Get dressed and meet us father up the river." Growling in annoyance, the male steps out of his cabin and slams his front door closed. Moving away from the pixie, he shifts and runs off to where he smells the rest of them, leaving Alice to follow him.


That is where we waited, it felt like an eternity before Alice announced the redhead's arrival. I just want this over already. Maybe I shouldn't have come back. I get pretty close to her leg by dodging roots, rocks, and branches. When she made Emmett fall, I had to choke back a laugh in this 'serious' situation. Using my bark, I multiplied it to confuse her. This made everyone pause for a moment. Can't use that with them so close, growling in frustration. She jumped off of the peak right as I was about to chomp on her leg. Damn it!!! I growl and continue running on the Cullen's side of the treaty line. I can hear and see the pack on the other end.

   Esme yelled, "She'll get away," in frustration. The pack began the hunt, nearly missing her. Is this her gift? To be able to survive or escape? What is happening right now? When she jumps back, Jasper tells everyone that she won't, and barely misses her in the air. Growling menacingly, I picked up my speed. You're pissing me off now.

   I wasn't the only frustrated one, and she was going back and forth to distract each other with the other. A smart little bug. As she jumped across again, Emmett jumped over the river only to be hit in midair by a grey and brown wolf. I'll catch you, and I'll rip off your head and make you watch as I turn you into nothing but ashes. Ohhhh, just you wait... Getting in between them, I bark and grab Emmett's legs, pulling him effortlessly back to the Cullen's side.

   How come they don't act like a pack? There were only, what, maybe 3 wolves'? I know for sure he has more than 3 shifted wolves. Tossing Emmett to the tree line, growling and barking in anger and frustration. Carlisle stopped the others from coming close to me. While the wolves stared at me in confusion. I stay in the cool river water to stay calm. Just wait. I'm going to pull her apart slowly. All I can see is red, thrashing myself in the water to take my aggression out on it. Until I felt a warm hand touch my fur, making me stiff. Huh? The shock of the temperature difference shocked me enough to stop my rage for a split second. Quickly moving away and growling, my bristles spiked up. I'm not a dog! Barking as I took in who had pet me. I saw it wasn't even Jacob being stupid, but one of his packmates I hadn't met before. What the...


'words' -thoughts Edward can hear.

Words -thoughts that Edward can't hear.

"words"- dialog.

Words -wolf communication.

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