My first day

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A light brown tabby feline combed the top of His hair and threw on a white shirt with a jean jacket.

"Cant forget My pants!" The feline meowed and threw on some jeans and some vans.

A female bipedal raccon walked in,"Jimmy are You ready? I packes lunch for You!"

"Is it trash?" The feline looked at Her.


The raccoon walked away before Her brother could catch She was lying.

Jimmy gave a low hiss. It was His first day and He is not eating filth!

Jimmy grabbed His backpack and walked downstairs and made Himself a sandwhich to take to school but He also took the lunch Lizzie packed Him to not hurt Her feelings.

The feline headed out the door with the raccon.

As They arrived at school the feline got overwhelmed.

There was axolotls just like His sister said and a chicken?

Jimmy turned and saw a fire human next to an angel.

"Lizzie this is way better then cat school!" Jimmy lifted His tail up in excitement.

Lizzie smiled,"I hope it is and no more cat fights for You!"

"Cat fights?" A low voice said from behind.

Jimmy and Lizzie turned to face the voice.

A pale male smirked at Jimmy. He had white fluffy hair and a black cape following His movements. He basically looked like a hot dracula.

Jimmy looked shock,"Are You really a vampire!"

The vampire chuckled and bared His fangs.

Jimmy stepped back.

Lizzie hissed at Him,"I dont want You bothering Him Scott!"

Scott narrowed His eyes at Her,"What will You do shorty." He flicked Her forehead and walked away.

Lizzie snarled and stepped on His cape causing the vampire to fall back onto His bum.

The vampire looked at Her, His red eyes burning into Her,"I was going to let You off the hook Lizzie but after that stunt You pulled!"

Scott stood up, pulling His fist back ready to punch Her.

Till a fire wall blocked His path, the light from the fire causing the vampire to hiss and pull His cape over Him.

The fire human from eariler called out to Lizzie,"Run Liz!"

Lizzie took off running but Jimmy stayed still wondering how that fire human made such a big fire wall.

The feline turned around and realized His sister wasent there.

"Lizzie?" The feline meowed softly.

Jimmy sniffed the air, His tail swaying behind Him as He sniffed for Lizzies scent.

Many other scents touch His nose.

The fire wall behind Jimmy slowly burned out and the vampire pounced onto Him snarling,"Instead of attacking Your sister...Im thinking Ill hunt You instead!"

The felines hair spiked alarming Him of danger and His ears flattend.

"Ive never had feline blood but perhaps this is My chance~." The vampire opened His mouth.

Jimmy panicked His eyes dilated. His breathing getting heavy.

Scott smiled,"I wont lie it will pinch." He pushed the felines head to floor turning it to the side to have better access to His neck.

Why cant I fight back! Jimmys eyes teared up in fear and His nose twitched.

Scott brought His fangs dangerously close the tip of His fangs touching the felines neck.

Jimmy had to fight if He didnt He would be this blood suckers next meal!

Why couldnt He move.

"I love smelling fear." Jimmy heard Scott say in His ears. His hot breath making the felines ear twitch.

"Get off Him!" The fire human threw a fireball at the vampire causing Him to move to the side.

"Joel." Scott hissed.

"Scott You know the rules!" Joel helped Jimmy up,"Theres no blood sucking on campus."

Scott grinned,"Of course I wont do it on campus."

The vampire walked away smiling.

Jimmy turned to Joel trembling.

"Dont worry He cant get You at school."

Jimmy slowly walked towards the bathroom needing to calm down.

He pushed opened the door and walked into a stall and slowly let His back slide Him down onto the floor.

The felines breathing was shaking and heavy. He had to think hapoy thoughts.

Ive never had feline blood~

Jimmy felt His neck.

He remembered feeling the vampires breath on His neck sending chills down His spine and not in a great way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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"The cat is what Im hunting tonight." AFTERLIFE SMP FLOWERHUSBANDS HIGHSCHOOL AUWhere stories live. Discover now