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2 years later
Kinn pov

Everything is now peaceful within the family
The minor and major family now united,
Tankhun is still considered the head but me and vegas looks after the paperwork as Tankhun gets to overlook our meetings

Apparently uncle Kan mistress got pregnant 2 years ago and gave up parental right to give Venice to vegas to which he and pete happily accepts and now raise Venice as their son

Meanwhile Kim music career is taking off so fast and he even got an acting gig with some actor name gameplay
Seems like a good guy
He has a few acting friends too, ta, barcode, us, copper, jjay and fuaiz

Me and hia are proud of Kim, ever since the war (both of them) we been seeing a family therapist to strengthen our family bonds

Speaking of family bonds
Porsche and vegas did have a talk with their nongs, they weren't happy about it but was able to see where they came from

To take a breath from all this mafia stuff, both nongs have decided to study abroad in Taiwan and has been happy there ever since
We haven't seen them in a while, and sometimes it gets tense  considering what they done but I would've done the same if I was in their shoes
In fact I almost did

Anyways as for me and porsche, well we went on our honeymoon a while ago and is still high on that energy
I can't wait till we have kids

That's my life right now

Papa once took away my life support and I got it back amd in great ways too
I smiled thinking about it

"Nong what got you all happy" I smile up at hia, it did give me a couple months for me to earn his trust again but when I finally did I never wanted to let him go,
"Nothing hia, just thinking about life" I smile as I turned back to looking at the fish pond

I saw Tankhun smile too as he patted my shoulders "all because we got that life support"


Ahhh I'm sorry it got dull at the end :(
Again this is my first angst book and I'm not exactly a pro.... I'm a rookie lmao

But thanks for supporting it and liking it as well
Till next time :)

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