Chapter 3 - The mischievous man

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A man in purple attire scuttles around the pound like he was looking for something, or someone. "Where are they, where are they? I do apologize for ruining the moment but I couldn't contain my excitement. He looks around the area once again. "Ah ha, there they are." He spotted four puppies making the cutest barks.

" He spotted four puppies making the cutest barks

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"Oh just look at them, they're just so...CUUUTE.

Come to papa." He said in a threatening voice as he grabbed each puppy, one tried to get away, but he got em. "I just want to hug them, all of them. There we are." He said while being disgusted at saying nice things. Even letting out a chuckle in order to hide his true facade.

Colette, Whopper, and Adam watch the man hugging the four puppies in his arms. The three can see he looked obviously fishy. "That guy is weird." Whopper said. "You're right Whopper there's something odd about that man." Colette agrees with Whopper. "You got that right, this guy really looks suspicious." Adam chimes in. Colette sees Adam, a boy she never met before. "I haven't seen your face before. Who might you be?" Colette asked.

"Oh yeah, that's Adam, he might be here for the same reason. I don't think we haven't properly introduced each other. I'm Whopper. I'm sure you heard my name moments ago." Whopper said. "So I heard. Oh and congratulations Miss." Adam said. "Thanks darling, but you may call me Colette." Colette said. "Such cuddly, such sweet little DARLINGS." Meanwhile the man said in disgust, saying more nice things to the pups.

Adam heard a little bit of his disgust tone. Before he could react, he was met with a glare from that suspicious man. Adam stood frozen, he started to stare back at him. Whopper and Colette watched them as if they were having a staring contest. After some silence, Adam speaks up. "Is there a problem sir?" Adam asked.

The man changed his expression to a nicer expression. "Forgive me boy, I thought you looked somewhat familiar. You look like someone else I know. My own mistake, we are getting older nowadays." He said while trying not to give himself away.

Adam wanted to question why he did that? But he decided to drop it. "Right." Adam replied while making an odd expression. "Now I must adopt them, I must have all four of them." He said, and skips away. Adam was left with a shocked expression about what happened.

 "Did you see that? That purple guy just glared at me for a moment, and switched his attitude in an instant." Adam said, questioning what just transpired. "I saw, but more importantly. Why does he want so many?" Whopper wondered. "Beats me, but something tells me there has to be a reason." Adam said.

The man went to the registration stand. Cooler watches from afar. "Ah, here we are. In you go my little ones." He said as he put all four of the puppies in the basket. "Before you go sir, I'll need you to sign." Tammy said. "Sign, sign what?" He tones down his aggressiveness. "I mean, what is it you like me to sign?" He asked. "Adoption papers sir, as soon as I find them." Tammy starts searching for some adoption papers. "Yes but please hurry, I'm in a bit of a rush." He said.

Cooler looked unsure about this guy, so he turned his head to Jeff. "I think you better talk to that guy Jeff." Cooler said. Jeff goes to talk to this man. "Excuse me sir, I hope you understand what a great responsibility a pet can be." Jeff tells the man about responsibilities. "Of course dear boy, I understand completely." He said while closing the basket lid with his finger as the pups tried to get loose.

The man started to sniff, and he let out a sneeze. Which could mean one thing. "Cats, there must be cats here. I'm allergic to cats." He sneezed again. "Sorry about that sir." Jeff picks up the two cats in a flash. "Nothing personal purries but you guys gotta go." Jeff gets the cats away from the man so that he doesn't sneeze again.

Adam follows Jeff who just placed the two cats down right out of the pound. Jeff goes back into the pound to make sure that the adoption is set and the papers are signed. "Cat." Adam said. "Hey, how ya doing?" Charlemagne replied. Adam shook his head. "Force of habit, I just say cat whenever I see one. Other than that I'm fine, thank you very much." Adam said. They hear a bell being rung.

"Uh oh." Hairball said. "Uh, what does uh oh mean?" Adam asked. "Oh you'll find out." Charlemagne points to the entrance. Out of curiosity, Adam goes back into the pound. Only to witness something very out of the ordinary. Reflex starts to go around kissing the dogs, while saying I love you. Reflex was about to get the man next. He ducked down, dodging from his kiss. Reflex turns to the next person, Adam.

"I love you." Reflex starts to pounce on him, but Adam catches him at the nick of time right before he almost got dog kisses. "Hey hey, whoa there. Get a hold of yourself reflex." Adam gets his head away enough so that it doesn't get his face. "It's okay, Reflex." Tammy snaps her fingers. Reflex is himself again. "Sorry about that." He chuckles. "It's alright, no harm done." Adam said as he placed Reflex to the ground level. "Gosh, we're sorry mister." Jeff apologizes.

The man responded with a grunt. Feeling a bit angry at the turn of events. Reflex walks to cooler and Bright eyes. "If I don't stop doing that, every time I hear a bell. Nobody will ever adopt me." Reflex said in a sad tone, thinking no one would want to adopt him. Cooler places his hand on his shoulder to cheer him up. "You can't help it, Reflex, besides. Someone might come along that likes it. Cooler said to bring his spirit up.

"You see, a scientist taught him to do that every time he hears a bell ring." Tammy said as she found the adoption paper she was looking for. "Yes, very interesting now the papers please." He said. "Are you sure you can give them proper care sir?" Jeff asked with worry. The man starts to sign his name. "Don't worry my boy, I'll take care of them, VERY good care."

 He said with a laugh. The man looks to see a beagle, and starts staring at him for a few seconds before focusing on Cooler's dog tag. "That tag, where have I seen this before?" The man talks to himself while Cooler overheard it. "Eh, probably nothing." The man says as he leaves the pound.

 Leaving Cooler confused. "That guy? He looks... familiar." Cooler thought to himself. Jeff and Cooler then look at the name of the man on the paper. "Marvin Mc nasty." Jeff read. Cooler starts to ponder and think. "I had a bad feeling about that man." Colette said.

"No kidding, I didn't like the way he said that." Adam added. "Yeah glad those puplings are too young to adopt." Cooler said in relief. Whopper however sees something is very off. "Ya know I got a bad feeling about him too. I'm gonna check this out." Whooper said as he started to walk away. "Whopper be careful." Colette said.

Whopper nodded in response. "Sure, sure." He said before leaving the pound to go investigate. "Adam I hope it's not too much to ask, but can you go with him to make sure nothing happens please?" Colette asks him a favor. Adam shakes his head as a yes. "Leave it to me." He said, and went to go find Whopper. "Thanks darling." Colette said.


Meanwhile at the museum we cut to the two guys in a truck. The big guy is Lumpy, the slim guy is bones. Eating some lunch, like sub sandwiches. "Yo uh don't forget you promised me half." Lumpy said. "Yeah, uh sure sure Lumpy." Bones replied. Bones picked up a 12 foot sub sandwich but Lumpy snagged it from him. Bones cuts the other end of the sandwich and is about to take a bite. But Lumpy snags it away from him again.

"Thanks Bones." Lumpy said and ate the whole thing. They hear some cackling., Lumpy and Bones see Marvin Mc Nasty. Their boss. "How did it go, boss?" Lumpy asked.

"Those stupid children didn't suspect a thing. Now for the first step in my plan which is to get these puppies back to my lab." Marvin goes on, but doesn't notice that they're being followed and watched by Whopper. Adam eventually finds Whopper at the truck. He backs up a bit and waits for him.

"After a few minutes in my mean machine, these gentle puppies would be transformed into vicious guard dogs." Marvin said as he lifted the basket and poured the four pups into a cage. "Great boss, but we got nothing to guard." Bones added.

"We will after you steal the bone of scone by that time these whiny whelps will be slaving killer brutes." Marvin ungently picks up the puppy by its collar, making the pup squeal in pain. "No one will be able to stop me." He looks at the pup, and drops it back into the cage. "Pathetic." Marvin said. "Yeah wait till they won't look too tough now boss." Bones said.

Bones and Lumpy both laughed. Lumpy put his hand on the cooked turkey, and took out a wishbone. "Hey, maybe they wanna make a wish." Lumpy said. Marvin takes the wishbone from Lumpy. "I make all the wishes around here."

Marvin closes his eyes, and makes a wish. He snaps the wishbone, throwing the other half away. Opening his eyes, to reveal he got the small half. Enraging him to no end, which scared the two goons in front of him.

"Enough! This is the map of the museum." He pulls out the map of the museum and points to each spot. "You enter here, then go through this corridor right to the bone. Then I want you to take it back to me, Intact." Marvin explains the plan, and then he slams his fist into a cage. Scaring the four poor pups. "Then what boss?" Lumpy asked.

"Then I have the power of the bone and my army of vicious attack dogs. No one will dare stand in my way." Marvin said. "Oh I like the way boss thinks." Bones nudges Lumpy with his elbow. Lumpy nudges back in annoyance.

"First I take over the pound, and then the country." Marvin keeps going which is enough for Whopper to take the opportunity to run away. "And then, THE WORLD!!" He finishes his monologue.

Lumpy and Bones get on their pink motorcycle and park at the bushes. Marvin gets on the driver seat of the truck. Adam watches him drive off. He notices something is really up. Whopper is running to the pound to try and warn the others. He ran right into Adam. Adam had seen the spooked look on Whopper's face. "Hey little burger, what happened over there?" Adam asked.

"No time, I got to warn the others." Whopper answers back while hurrying off to the pound. This confused Adam for a brief moment but then he decided to follow him "Hey hold up." Adam says as he follows him back into the pound. 

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