Chapter 9 - Rekindling and Reflex's origins

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Oswin stood speechless at the sight of his nephew with the mystic sword Excalibur in his right hand. Adam is very shocked and surprised to see his uncle here. Cooler, Big Paw, and everyone else just stands there, wondering who that man is.

"Adam!" Oswin starts his conversation with that. "Uncle Oswin?" Adam replied with a surprised expression on his face. "What're you doing here?" He asked him. "Looking for you of course, I was worried." Oswin answered. "So how did you manage to find us?" Whopper wondered. In Oswin's perspective all he can ever hear are just ordinary squeak barks from Whopper. Confusing Oswin, trying to figure out what he's trying to say.

Adam takes the hint that he doesn't understand what Whopper was saying with puppy power gone. "Oh, Whopper was wondering how you managed to find us? That's also what I was about to ask." Adam said. Oswin realizes only his nephew can understand them, which only means one thing. "You still have the power, puppy power." Oswin said in realization.

"Uncle?" Adam asked him again. Oswin cuts to the chase. "Oh yes. How did I find you?" Oswin begins to explain his story.


"I left when I started to get worried since you were gone very long. So I searched everywhere in the city." He walks on the sidewalk, in search of Adam. "I looked at the store, library, and even the city pound. I couldn't go on in the museum since a crime scene took place." He Looks left and right in the store. At the Library he looked through the bookshelves. "It was then I searched for the one thing where I would least think where you would be." He stared at the direction to the woods and went on in.

He searched around in the entrance of the woods, when he looked down. He notices paw prints but one of them is different, getting a closer look. He sees one of them is a shoe print. "Right when I entered the woods, I noticed the paw prints on the ground, and saw something that's odd. You also left tracks along with the paw prints.

Flashback ends.

"I kept following where you all last went, even if some of the prints ended. But I kept going where y'all's foot leads, and well. Here I am, witnessing the moment my nephew pulled the sword. So my dad was right all along. Excalibur is out here, waiting to be found again." Oswin said. "Uncle, I heard the sword doesn't want to be found." Adam brings it up.

"Huh? Who says it didn't want to be found?" Oswin questions. "Her." Adam points at Charlemagne. Oswin looks at the cat, lowering one of his brows in confusion. Charlemagne waves nervously. Then he focused back on Adam. "I suppose you owed an explanation, as well as all of you. Those that journeyed far to recover the bone, the sword, and found Big Paw. Guardian of the woods." Oswin announces. "That's me." Big Paw chimes in.

"Follow me." Oswin walks ahead. Cooler got curious about this. "Where is he taking us to?" Cooler wonders. "I don't know what my uncle is on about, but just go along with what my uncle wants to show us." Adam said and went ahead to follow Oswin. "He's right, maybe there may be more of what we don't know." Beamer said. Cooler thinks for a little and shrugs. "Well whatever, we got to lose guys." Cooler and the gang follow behind Adam.

After a little walk through the woods. Fighting some bushes, branches and even insects. Oswin stops at the open area. Adam and co also came to a halt. "So what is it we need to see uncle?" Adam asks Oswin. "Watch." Oswin slams his wooden staff on the grass, creating a shockwave on the ground. Adam and the dogs felt the rumble like an earthquake. Out of the blue, the cave emerged. Earning a gasp from the group.

"Whoa did you see that?" Whopper said in shock. "Did he just make the cave appear from the ground?" Bright eyes wander in awe. "I remember this spot, it's an area where only wizards go to their secret cave."

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