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As the first rays of morning light seep through the curtains, Zed jolts awake to the blaring sound of his alarm clock. He groggily reaches out to silence it, cursing himself for oversleeping again. With a resigned sigh, he swings his legs over the edge of the bed and rubs his eyes, knowing he's already behind schedule.

With a sense of urgency, Zed hastily pulls on his work clothes, his mind racing through the tasks awaiting him at the office. Despite being typically punctual, he knows this is the second time he's been late, and he can't afford any more slip-ups. Yet, amidst the frustration bubbling within him, he can't help but wonder if his boss, Martin Fox, will scold him again for his tardiness.

As Zed rushes through his morning routine. He went to his office.

Arriving at the office, Zed braces himself for the conversation with Martin. As he enters Martin's office, Martin greets him with a stern yet understanding expression.

"Zed, you're late again," Martin begins, his tone firm but not accusatory. "We've discussed the importance of being on time. Please ensure it doesn't happen again."

Zed nods, feeling a pang of regret for letting his boss down. "I apologize, Martin. It won't happen again. I'll make sure of it."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Martin gestures for Zed to get to work, a silent reminder of the expectations placed upon him. As Zed settles into his tasks, he resolves to uphold his reputation for punctuality, determined to regain Martin's trust and prove his dedication to his job.


In the grand hall adorned with elegant decorations, Mr. Choi strolled through, his keen eyes sweeping over every detail of the party setup. The event planner, engrossed in coordinating the arrangements, directed his instructions to his attentive coworkers, ensuring precision in their tasks.

Approaching the event planner, Mr. Choi inquired, "How much time will this take?" His voice carried a blend of curiosity and urgency, reflecting his commitment to timeliness and quality.

The event planner, recognizing Mr. Choi's presence, promptly turned to him, "Sir, this will take approximately two hours," he replied, his tone confident yet accommodating.

Nodding thoughtfully, Mr. Choi absorbed the timeline, his mind already calculating the remaining tasks and contingencies.

As the bustling atmosphere of preparation continued around them, Mr. Choi remained focused, his dedication to excellence evident in his meticulous scrutiny of every aspect of the setup.

As Choi Kang Han strolled through the bustling hall, overseeing the meticulous setup for the boss's daughter's party, his Los Angeles upbringing seemed to infuse his every step. Born and raised in the vibrant city, Choi's connection to the company ran deep, a legacy inherited from his father who once toiled here.

With his father's retirement, Choi seamlessly transitioned into his father's role, a testament to his exceptional abilities and unwavering integrity. Much like his father, Choi's presence exuded honesty, reliability, and humility, qualities that had been honed over his 25 years of dedicated service to the company.

As he observed the flurry of activity around him, Choi's role as the secretary to the company's boss came to the forefront, his steady hand ensuring the smooth coordination of the event. Each detail meticulously arranged, each instruction given with precision, Choi's commitment to excellence mirrored the values instilled in him by his father and upheld throughout his tenure with the company.


As the plane descended towards Los Angeles International Airport, Reem's heart raced with excitement and anticipation. Peering out of the window, she caught her first glimpse of the sprawling city below, its glittering lights stretching out into the distance like a sea of stars.

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