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The train is bustling with people crowding around the train, the station was filled with Muggles, Halfbloods, Purebloods.

In the crowd walked a family of five that was well known in the Wizarding World. The family swiftly walked through the crowd, trying to get out of the busy crowds.

The father is a high business man by the name Lucius Malfoy. He is known to be a supporter of Voldemort but had excuses to not be in Azkaban, escaping his fate at the hands of Azkaban and was able to live with his family.

The mother is a stay at home woman by the name Narcissa Malfoy. She is the nicer one out of the two. She is known to also be a supporter of Voldemort but never got the mark, claiming she didn't want it.

The parents have two children, twins in fact. Their eldest twin is a girl named Cassiopeia Adhara Malfoy. Her name is from a star due to the fact Narcissa wanted to carry on the black tradition from her childhood since she had always adored the name, she thought it fit her daughter perfectly.

Their youngest twin is a boy by the name Draco Lucius Malfoy. Despite never leaving his father's side, he is secretly the biggest mother's boy you could ever meet. Due to sticking around his father, he has picked up some habits from the man, including his beliefs about muggleborns and halfbloods.

Cassiopeia and Draco are very different. Cassiopeia is more outspoken and reckless and Draco is more spiteful and silent.

When she started showing signs of Gryffindor house, the parents were not happy to say the least. Narcissa was reminded of her once close cousin Sirius Black and Lucius didn't want an heir like that to his family — so they ignored her — Lucius did anyway.

Draco being his father's pet did exactly as he did when he was young — making Narcissa be the only one in the house who spoke to the 11 year old girl.

As they walk through the crowds towards the train they pass a familiar looking ginger-haired family.

"Ugh there's Molly Weasley and her family . . They should not be allowed here Cissa." Lucius states in distaste, making Cassiopeia subtly roll her eyes at the man.

"It's alright . . Come now I see the train." Narcissa replies soothingly before turning around to her children, "Now you two. Slytherin remember? No trouble — either of you."

Lucius turns to his daughter and makes eye contact with her, "if you ruin our family you will pay, dear girl." she says making her nod with her head down as she looks away from the Weasley family who was getting multiple hugs from the mother of the group.

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