Chapter 3

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"Hey Jackie Boy! 'ho's this lovely lass?" Chibs inquired with a smile.

"This is Ariella. She's new to town. This is Chibs our resident medic." Jax explained as he introduced the pair.

"Nice to meet you." She replied.

"Aye, it's nice t' make your acquaintance as well, lass." Chibs stated, "What do ya do for work?"

"I'm a dentist. I just opened my own office here in town." She answered.

"I see. Must be nice t' work for yourself." Chibs chuckled.

"It is. I'm still trying to build my business and get a solid patient base." She replied.

"I'm sure it won't be long before you're swimmin' with patients!" Chibs smiled at her.

"Thanks. I hope so." She chuckled.

Juice walked in and walked up to the bar to get a beer. Turning around, he scanned the room and was shocked to see his new dentist sitting with Jax chatting with Chibs. He slowly made his way over and smiled at her.

"Doc, what are you doing here?" Juice inquired making her chuckle.

"Jax asked me out and eventually brought me here." She replied.

"How's business?" Juice asked.

"Slowly picking up. I'm hiring for a dental assistant and a receptionist to help with the office." She replied.

"I hope business picks up for you." Juice told her earning a smile back.

A particular crow eater grabbed Chibs' attention so he excused himself to go spend a little time with her. Ariella shook her head at what she was seeing. She couldn't understand how these girls could just act like floozies just to get the attention of a man. It wasn't even a permanent thing, they were being used for one night! Jax wondered what she was thinking as she was shaking her head. The pool table was finally free so he asked if she wanted to play. She smiled and accepted. Quinn was curious about the cute redhead playing pool with Jax. He'd never seen her around the club before. She didn't dress like the other crow eaters but if she were new around the club, she may not know what the bikers liked. Jax broke the balls and sunk one in. He missed his second shot. He was feeling good especially as he watched her lean across the table to take her first shot. Naughty thoughts infiltrated his mind as she took her shot and sunk in one ball. He watched as she walked around the table to try and make her next shot. He eyed her up and down as she did unbeknownst that several of his brothers were doing the same.

Several hours later, the pair were still playing pool and chatting getting to know one another. She'd had a couple drinks but wasn't drunk by any means. He wasn't drinking as heavily as he usually did knowing he'd be the one taking her home and he didn't want to cause an accident and hurt her. Most of his brothers, however, were pretty tipsy or downright drunk. One biker finally got up the courage to walk over and talk to her. She blew him off as he was slurring his speech and she could barely understand him. He didn't take to being ignored by a crow eater so he grabbed her around the waist to pull her away from the pool table. She immediately back-kicked him in the knee making him instantly let her go. She whipped around and told him to not touch her again. In his rage, he went to back-hand her but she caught him by his wrist and shoved him backwards. He went to bum-rush her but she saw it coming and quickly side-stepped out of the way making him fall to the floor. Jax turned his attention back to her wondering why she wasn't taking her shot. Seeing what was happening, he rushed around the table to tell off his drunken brother. Jax apologized to Ariella and asked if she were alright. She smiled and said her martial arts training always came in handy and that she was perfectly fine.

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