Blind Date

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(Third Person)

Gwen and Lindsay broke up due to Lindsay cheating on her with Tyler. Gwen hasnt practically moved on since she loved Lindsay so much. Her friends tried cheering her up by setting her on blind dates. She never liked any of them, until Gwen recieved a call from Heather. The ravenette, described what the man looks like. Gwen tried picturing him with how Heather described him,

Tall,tan,young,handsome, and lovely. Did she mention that he was a GENTLEMAN?!!

(Gwen's Pov)

I jolted awake due to my phone ringing, i guess Heath was calling me. I answered the phone, "what is it this time?" I groaned and fixed my position. "Go to our usual hang out spot, Court, bri and leshawna are here already." Heather replied. I furrowed my brows in frustration and stood up. "Alright, i'll be there." I uncaringly said as i grab my towel and head to the bathroom.

I finished showering and decided to wear a plain t-shirt, and the sweater Lindsay gave me. I also wore baggy jeans. I left my apartment and went to our hang out spot.

I could see Leshawna waving in the distance, i waved back smiling. "Hey girl! Oh, is that..?" Her smile faded quickly when she saw my sweater. "why are we here again?" I ask and ignored Leshawna's question. "We found your perfect date!!" Courtney squeeled. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and looked at Heathers phone. "Whos that?" I raised a brow, "No one, im literally dating Court." She glared and turned her phone off. Which, was quite suspicous. But i didnt pay it attention. "Anyway.. the boys name is Alejandro." Leshawna swooned about how hot he was. Court made a fake gagging sound and Bridgette giggled.

"What? Boy is smokin hot!" Leshawna chuckled and put her hand on my shoulder. "Really? Can i see?" I didnt realize what i said and immediately covered my mouth. Bridgette chuckled and said, "its fine, Gwen. And i think Heather has a photo of him.." Bridgette raised a brow at Heather. "No i dont!" Heather glared. "Girl, im sure he sent you pics." Leshawna retorted. Courtney frowned. "He does?" She asked Heather with searching eyes. "No."

Courtney felt that Heather was lying. "Can i see your gallary?" Heather without hesitation gave Court her phone. "Oh, its of me." Heather looked away in embarrasment and took her phone from Courtney. "I told you. But he did try and hit on me and sent me pics.." heather admitted. "What!" Courtney glared at Heather. "Look, i'll show you." Heather went to her messages, Court let out a small giggle. "fuck off bitch i have a gf?" Courtney bursted into laughter and kissed heathers cheek. "Okay, is this still about me and my date?" I raised a brow at the lovebirds. "Oh right." Heather showed us a picture of Alejandro and man, he is hot! "Oh wow.." i swallowed thickly and had the urge to ask, "whens the date?" Leshawna and Heather bursted out laughing, "girl, like him already? Pft, white girls!" Leshawna exclaimed. "The date is tonight." Courtney placed her hand on my shoulder. "Thanks. By the way Heather, Duncan-" I was soon shushed by Leshawna. "Dont." She glared.

I shrugged and smiled awkwardly. "So uh, do we have to go shopping?" Heathers face lit up with joy and squeeled. "About time! Come on, we'll help you." She smiled warmly.

We arrived at the mall and the girls started dragging me to the clothing store. "Okay, its a fancy shamancy spanish restaurant, sugar!" Leshawna exclaimed. "You should totally wear a dress!" Courtney smiled cheekily. "I second that." Heather agreed.

~they pay and go to the restaurant~

"Im kinda nervous.." i say and rub my arm.

"Its fine, we'll be at the other table if anything happens." Bridgette reassured me.

I walk over to my designated table and sat down, waiting for him anxiously.

"Uh, hola hermosa. Are you perhaps Gwen?" A goodlooking spanish boy asked.

"Yes! I am Gwen. And you are?"

He smiled warmly. And it made me melt.

"I'm Alejandro." He chuckled and sat down.

"Y-you look..nice." I awkwardly say.

"You look gorgeous." He smiled and gazed at my eyes.

I kept eye contact and got lost in his emerald eyes.

"Ehem, i am your waiter. What would you like to eat?"

I looked away from him and.. HEATHER? I look at Bridgette's table and saw the three laughing at a waitress Heather.

"Sorry, but you are so familliar." He gazed at her features.

"Just tell me your orders. And stop staring taco man!" Heather snapped and glared.

"Uh, i would like some water.." i say and tried to hold my laughter.

She glared and wrote on her mini notebook.

"And yours?" She uncaringly said.

"I would like to order yo- i mean, some water would be nice." He chuckled nervously.

I raised a brow and looked over to Heather.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Geez, are you guys on a diet or something?"

I giggled and looked at Alejandro. Oh, wow.

"You are one gorgous waitress." He spoke.

I frowned and looked over to Bridgette's table. They stopped laughing and started whispering to eachother.

"Ew. Whatever." Heather glared and looked at me worried.

Our date was really..awkward. We kept silent the whole time, and Alejandro kept looking at Heather.

"Do you like her?" I finally spoke up.


"The waitress. Do you like her?"

He chuckled nervously and reached out for my hand.

"Ofcourse not, shes just really familliar."

I glared and sighed.

"That waitress..her name is Heather." I looked down, disappointed.

"Oh. Look Gwen, i really like you." He says, gazing into my eyes.

"You do?" I looked at him and smiled slightly.

I heard the girls cheering and saw Heather smiling. I guess they were really happy for me.

"May i get your number? Hermosa?" He smiled warmly.

I nodded and gave him my number. After a while, we finally said our goodbyes.

"Soo?" Courtney asked and playfully hit my arm.

"It was nice. He was nice, but he really kept staring at miss Waitress here." I giggled.

"He is so annoying. He should be focusing on his date! Not me.." heather rolled her eyes.

Courtney glared at her but let it slide. She then linked arms with Bridgette. And i linked arms with Leshawna, leaving Heather alone.

"Oh, señorita? Why are you alone?"

(Heather's pov)

"None of your business." I turned around and saw Alejandro.

He smirked and held my waist. He then brang me to an empty room.

"Alejandro, this..this is wrong." I looked away.

"They dont have to know, remember?" He says as he kisses my neck.

"But..i-im dating courtney..and y-you have Gwen.." i bit my lip and placed my hands onto his shoulder.

"Lets keep this a secret."

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