Wrong doings.

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(Heathers Pov)

"Lets keep it a secret."

I sighed and gave in. But why? I have a girlfriend. As he was kissing me, i kept thinking about Courtney. Finding out. He slowly took my top off and started nibbling on my neck. I couldnt help but moan. This..is wrong. I shouldnt be doing this. But it feels so..good.. No, snap out of it Heather! You..have a girlfriend.

I was so busy thinking that i didnt even realize that he fully stripped me. He gazed at my naked form and smirked. He placed me onto his lap and told me to ride him. I did as i was told. I..dont even know why.

After hours of having sex with him, i finally came to my senses. Realizing that i should stop myself. That i should stop him.

"No, this..this shouldnt have happened." I spoke, lowly. I gazed at his emerald green eyes staring directly at mine.

"What..?" He softly asked, and maintained eye contact.

My guilt filled my entire body. I felt..disgusting.

"This, this isnt right." I spoke once again. But this time, i looked away and started putting my clothes on.

He gazed at me changing. As i finished, i hesitated to leave.

"Are you sure you want to leave? Mi amor?" He smirked and put his clothes on.

The old nickname triggered me. I tried to move, but i couldnt. I forcefully placed my hand onto the doorhandle.

"Mi amor, if you thought this was wrong. Then you couldve prevented this."

I widened my eyes in shock and my hands started shaking. Tears filling my silver grey ones.

"I tried."

(Gwen's Pov)

Me and the girls went to a bar to celebrate my succesful date. But we didnt even realize we left Heather.

"Hmpf..wheres..heather?" Courtney who is already wasted asked, gripping onto the poor surfers shoulder.

"Crap, we left her!" I spoke up. I wasnt completely drunk like the two girls. Since im not a total lightweight.

"Oh shit! We did!" Leshawna jolted awake.

We rushed back to the restaurant but it was empty?

"Heather!" I shouted and looked around.

We heard a small muffled gasp and things falling over.

"Maybe shes in that room?" Bridgette pointed.

"Heath..?" I carefully approached the door.

(Heather's Pov)

Alejandro covered my mouth with his hand and we both hid in the closet, i tried fighting back but i knew what would happen if i did.

"Heath..?" Gwen slowly opened the door.

"Huh? Theres no one here!" Courtney frowned.

The moment i saw Courtney, i felt..guilty. Tears filled my silver grey eyes. Seeing her look for me..she cares. Im so sorry..

"Mm..i miss her!!" Courtney cried out.

I couldnt help but smile. But with this jerks hand on my mouth. I bit him. He bit his lip and quietly groaned. He held me close since i almost fell.

"What are you doing?!" He whisper shouted and glared.

I side eyed him and rolled my eyes. I then continued the stare at Courtney.

"Hey, what about that closet?" Bridgette slowly approached the closet.

Me and Alejandro started panicking.

"I get out and you stay here!" I whisper shouted.

He nodded and let go of me. I jumped out of the closet and saw the girls smiling faces.

"There you are!" Courtney hugged me tightly. I hugged her back.

"Is someone else in here?" Gwen raised a brow.

I shook my head no and smiled awkwardly.

"What took you so long to get out of there?!" Bridgette placed her hands on her hips.

I smiled sheepishly and tried pushing the girls out.

When the girls were finally out, Alejandro hastily got out of the closet and breathed heavily. He looked at his hand that i bit and grinned.


"Seriously, how did you guys not realize you left me!?"

Gwen and Courtney awkwardly smiled. I glared at the two and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, im going home."

I huffed and pouted. I gave Courtney one last look and gave her a shy smile. She smiled back and waved goodbye.

I was walking home until i bumped into Duncan.

"Ugh! Watch where your going, juvinile!" I glared.

He rolled his eyes and pulled me in an empty alleyway.

"Listen, we're bestfriends right?"

My body tensed and i looked away.

"Look at me."

I gazed at his ocean blue eyes, looking in mine. He smirked and leaned in. I closed my eyes.

He spoke, lowly. A hint of venom in his voice.

I swallowed thickly and bit my lip.

"Yes." I coldly replied and fixed my posture.

He raised his hands and backed away.

"Alright, listen.." he swallowed thickly, trying to think of what to say. He couldnt help but gazed at my eyes and stare at my lips.

(Gwen's Pov)

I sort of miss Alejandro, Sort of. But i keep overthinking that hes just playing me. No, he would never! Right?

"hola guapísima." I turned around to see Alejandro. A smile crept onto my face but it immediately disappeared when i saw the hickey on his neck.

"Whats that?" I asked and placed a finger on his neck.

He chuckled nervously and put a reassuring hand onto my shoulder,

"Its nothing, i got bitten by a mosquito." He smiled.

I raised a brow but let it slide, i hugged him tightly and sighed. What kind of mosquito bit him? Hes definitely lying.

"Hermosa? May i ask something?"

My heart sunk when i heard those words, usually, they tell me HEART-WRENCHING shit then dump me.

"Ofcourse, what is it?" I forced a smile.

"What is Lindsay to you?"

My jaw dropped and my heart sunk even deeper, i held my breath and kept my cool. I looked down and let out a shaky sigh. Alejandro noticed and hugged me.

"Its alright, you dont have to answer it if you're not comfortable." He reassured, for the first time, i think i actually fell inlove again. He made me feel safe, in his arms. I want to stay like this forever.

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