Guess who's back.

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Gwen was walking around for awhile and decided to buy some soda.

"Can i get coke?" She asked and checked her phone.

"Can i get diet doctor pepper?"

Gwen recognized her voice, and looked over her side. She widened her eyes in shock and immediately looked away.

"How much?" Gwen spoke nervously.

"5$ dollars." The cashier uncaringly said.

Gwen handed over the 5$ and grabbed her coke. She glanced at her one more time and let out a small smile.

"..Gwen?" She spoke softly, and gently grabbed her drink.

Gwen stopped walking and froze. She bit her lip nervously and tightened her grip on the coke.

"Is it you?" She walked closer and gently patted Gwen's shoulder.

"L-linds.." Gwens voice was shaky, most likely holding in her tears.

Lindsay took a step back and sighed.

"Hello, Gwen."

Gwen frowned and turned to face Lindsay.

"I-its been awhile.." Gwen smiled warmly and wanted to hug Lindsay.

Lindsay smiled back and pulled Gwen in for a hug. Gwen couldnt help but smile and let her tears out. They embraced each other for awhile and whispered sweet nothings to each others ears.

"I missed you.." Gwen sniffled and pulled away to gaze at Lindsay's blue eyes.

"I..i missed you too." Lindsay smiled sweetly.

Gwen checked her watch and noticed it was getting late, and she didnt want Lindsay to walk alone.

"Are you going somewhere?" Gwen asked and shoved her hands in her pockets.

"Mhm, yeah. Im going home." Lindsay smiled once more and checked her phone.

"A-are you and Tyler..still?"


Gwen nodded slowly and linked arms with Lindsay.

"I'll go with you, i dont want you going alone."

Lindsay giggled and spoke, "Thats really nice of you, Gwen. But Tyler's picking me up."

Gwen's jaw dropped. 'Tyler?! Knows how to drive?!' She thought to herself.

"We'll meet again, Gwen."

Lindsay waved goodbye and walked to Tyler's car.


"Fuck!" Heather groaned and rushed to the sink.

"Are you okay?!" Courtney grabbed Heather's wrist and took a look at it.

"I-im fine..just a little scratch." Heather cooed and bit her lip.

"Scratch?! That cut looks deep!" Courtney glared at Heather and went to get some bandaids.

Heather smirked in amusement and thought to herself, 'Courtney cares alot, doesnt she?'

There was only one thing Heather couldnt forget, What Duncan told her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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