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Maxverstappen1 happy with the result of today

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Maxverstappen1 happy with the result of today. Can't wait for next weekend. 🇳🇱

Redbullracing our dutch 🦁

F1forlife Well done Max!!

User57 I missed the Dutch national anthem


Max sat alone in his driver's room after the race, breathing heavily with his head in his hands. The booing from the podium had affected him, although he tried not to show it. He didn't want to be viewed as weak, which is why he's known for being cold-hearted and unlovable. Nobody knows what he's really like, and nobody ever got to know him.

He was a champion, and his father would remind him all the time to always be stone-cold towards people. He was never supposed to let anyone in, but that's all he longed for - someone he could trust, love, and spoil. However, he didn't believe that could ever happen to him, as the media describes him as unlovable.

He never knew if he would find that person, but all he could do was hope.


To ease Max's nerves after the Grand Prix, he wandered through the streets of Miami and came across a small cafe on the corner of an empty street. As he headed inside, he noticed it was pretty busy. He stood next to a girl waiting at the counter, trying to get the barista's attention.

Max looked over at the girl and gave her a tight smile and nod, to which she returned. Max took notice of how she carried herself, as well as her features. He had to admit that she was very pretty, but he pushed that to the back of his mind, calling out to the barista, only to be ignored.

"See, I already tried that, didn't work. He didn't even glance over. Now my new method is calling out stuff to see what grabs his attention," the girl next to Max broke the awkward silence between them as Max chuckled.

"How long have you been trying to get his attention?" Max felt almost strange; not only was this girl managing to hold a conversation with a stranger, but she didn't seem to say anything along the lines of "Hey, I recognize you." But Max didn't mind. It made him feel like a normal person.

"Seven minutes... what do you want?" The girl got behind the counter, going unnoticed by the teenager sitting on his phone. Max caught himself smiling ear to ear at the girl's ways.

"Coffee and a muffin, please." Max kept a close eye on the girl as she made herself and him a coffee, grabbing two muffins. She quickly moved away from behind the counter, giving the stuff to the boy she didn't yet know the name of.

"Here you go, and I didn't catch your name." The girl took a sip out of her coffee cup.

"Max, my name's Max." Max held his hand out, which she then shook, offering him a big smile.

"Well, Max, my name's Aurelia. It's nice to meet you." Max began to stare into her eyes, still holding onto her hand, slowly shaking it with a small smile on his face.

They both pulled away their hands as Max cleared his throat, looking around at the people in the cafe.

"It was nice to meet you, Max. I'm just stopping here before I have to go take my flight." Aurelia offered him a big smile, which Max returned.

"That's funny. I'm going to the airport too." Max watched as Aurelia's eyes widened as she started to laugh.

"That is funny. Where are you flying to?" Aurelia took a bite out of her cupcake.

"Monaco. I live there." Max took a sip of the drink in his hand.

"Really!? That's so cool. It looks so pretty there. I think they have races too... formula one, I think. I'm not sure." Aurelia watched as he tensed ever so slightly before quickly changing his expression.

"Oh, really? I have heard about that. Not really my thing." Max tried to play it cool so she wouldn't get suspicious, even though he knew she didn't really know anything about it.

"My dad's a big fan, though." She nodded along, looking around. Max nodded along, now noticing the time and realizing he's going to be late for his flight.

"Sorry to cut this short, but I'm gonna be late, and I don't suppose your flight is now?" Max put his stuff in the bin, smiling at the girl in front of him.

"Sadly, no. My flight is later today, but it was really nice to meet you, Max. I hope to see you again sometime." Aurelia gave him a sad smile.

"It was nice to meet you too, Aurelia. And, by the way, you have a very pretty name. Goodbye." Max gave her a tight smile as he shook her hand again and began to walk off. As he got to the door, he smiled at her before shutting the door.

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