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Aurelia wasn't normally one to call emergency meetings but in this case, she felt it was much needed after she flew back to Rome her home town to meet a couple of her friends she texted the group they only used for emergencies sending the location of a local cafe she's in watching as the messages flood in and soon her friends begin to gather.

In walked Edvin, Omar, Conan, Olivia and Sabrina who amazingly became best friends after realising they were both wronged by the same guy.

"Whoever stole her frog plush own up" Edvin said walking over to sit in between Omar and Olivia who held up their hands in defence.

"Vin I thank you for your concern about Frodrick's safety but he is safely at my house right now it's actually to talk about this guy I talked to and now I can't get him out of my head" Aurelia rested her head in her hands looking at her friends who all looked at her with a mixture of expressions on her face.

Her eyes shifted to Omar as he reached over with a playful smile on his face he pinched her cheeks and begin to speak to her in a baby voice knowing it annoys her "Awwww look at you pining over someone who probably doesn't give two shits about you" Aurelia looked up glaring at him before biting his finger.

"Omar honey relax" Edvin said pulling Omar back into his seat.

"Tell us what happened" Olivia said looking over at Sabrina and Conan who nodded eagerly "So I was at a cafe you know like this in America and this boy walked in so I started talking to him we ate our food well standing together before he left...its stupid we barely spoke for 15 minutes" Aurelia out her head down as she felt Olivia stroke her hair pushing it behind her ears.

Conan decides to speak up unsure of how to approach the situation "Maybe it's just because you haven't been in the dating game for a while I mean was he hot?" Aurelia looked up instantly nodding her head quickly.

"And now I will never see him again" Conan looked at Edvin while trying to think of a possible solution.

"How about a getaway for all of us to Australia," Conan said looking at the group whose faces slowly lifted before continuing "You can get your mind off that boy and we can have a fun time, how about it?".

"Lets do it"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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