1. Twenty-Fifth Deathday

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'Ah... I'm dying again...' Celia Scarlett thought.

'It's my twenty-fifth life!'

'I'm not even twenty, dammit!!!'

Celia was an Elf, and elves could live to almost a thousand years.

And yet, here was an unfortunate nineteen year old, lying in the snow!

The cold winds blew about the scent of blood on this crisp winter night.

The floor was unbelievably cold, but something warm pooled around Celia, and she realized it was her own blood, stark red on the crisp white snow. Her long silvery white hair blended with the snow, and her red irises blended with her own blood.

Yes, it was a cold winter night with howling snowy winds, and it was the same day Celia had been crowned Queen of Luxia.

The highest rank a female elf could ever attain!

Yet here she was.

Splayed out on the snow.

Dying. Cold. Alone, with nothing but the whistling wind to accompany her.

It wasn't that she was hated by all. On the contrary, she had a few people who loved her dearly, and a ton of people who admired her!

And they were likely still celebrating her birthday, coronation and wedding at this late hour, unaware that she was dying.

There was a slight crunching, as footsteps approached, crushing the crisp snow beneath them, and a pair of crystal shoes stopped beside Celia's face.

She turned to see her elder sister sneering down at her.

'Tch! Of course it's her again! She can't even be original...'

"Little sister, you can only blame yourself." Novia Scarlett said sweetly. Her slim face was pale, with long dark hair framing the sides, and she had startling violet irises which narrowed at Celia.

"A golden child born with everything, while I could only live- No. I could barely exist in your shadow!"

Novia laughed coldly. "But you can't have everything in life sister! And you certainly can't have Vitav, so be gone!"

Celia only smiled as Novia brought down the dagger to stab her heart, and as Celia's life flowed out of her, Novia's cold laughter could still be heard.

'Here we go...' Celia thought, as darkness slowly descended, lulling her into the usual deep sleep of death.

Then all was silent...


Nothing was seen, heard, or felt in this place, and Celia often wondered if time flowed.

There was a sudden flare of light, and she sighed, but she didn't have a breath, so she couldn't really call it that...

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