27. Counterattack 2

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The previous night, Celia had investigated the servant in her room, finding that, not just Novia, but Lady Garrett had planned to ruin her reputation, and she smiled at the servant.

"Hmph. Since you want a good night, I'll give you one!"

Which led to mother and daughter being found in compromising positions!

The wingless rumours flew faster than winged birds, dousing the capital in the Scarlett family's scandal!

But before noon, before the Scarlett family's name was too affected, a few letters from Celia's little tin box, had wound their way to interesting places.

Three landed in Lord Scarlett's study, proving that Novia wasn't a Scarlett at all, and how Lady Garrett had murdered an innocent innkeeper to bury the truth.

Two landed on King Vien's desk, one proving Lady Garrett's crimes, and the other from Novia's real father!

He had never wanted Novia, but Celia had directly written to his mother, who had always wanted a granddaughter!

The letter to King Vien was begging him to let Novia return to her real family!

The Capital had been turned upside down, but Celia graciously breezed through it all, expressing pain that she was losing a sister, and that the favourite Prince's scandal happened under their roof, and before long, the dear citizens of Blixia were consoling the Scarlett family instead of accusing them!

That night, Celia smiled in satisfaction, as she sipped her fruit wine... The same flavour Novia had used to poison her.

This way, Vitav's lust was handled, Novia would leave, and no scandal tied to the Scarlett family...

She sighed peacefully, but started when she felt Taze's aura.

She hurried to the window and let out a gleeful laugh when her eyes spotted a long line of Taze's burly clones, all performing a funny series of bows and salutes.

~"My Love! You've been busy!"~ His voice sailed to her, and she beamed at the clones, enjoying the show...



Vitav's reputation had been ruined by Novia, and he had slapped her right in front of Lord Scarlett.

"Your cruel woman! You poisoned me?!"

Novia had denied it, but who would listen at a time like that?

Almost everyone knew Prince Vitav visited the Scarlett Estate for Celia, so why was Novia suddenly with him?!

Meanwhile, Lady Garrett was in a lot more trouble.

Apart from being found with a servant half her age, there was a living witness to the murder of the Innkeeper.

"It wasn't bad enough that you falsely accused me, and brought your child under my roof." Lord Scarlett began. "You went as far as killing someone to hide your misdeeds!

"Guards! hand her over to the Capital Guards!"

All these when added to the letters proving Novia wasn't a Scarlett, was enough to send her flying to Lord Scarlett's Study.

'I refuse to believe I can't win him over!'

"Father!" She cried, approaching the Study. "Father! Please don't send me away!"

"My Lady!" Two guards hurried forward to stop her. "You know you're not allowed near the Master's study! He's not here today!"

"Lies! Out of my way!" She struggled with them for a bit, but they persisted in blocking her path.

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