1.The toys

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Toy freddy pov on
After a long day of working with children , I woke up , there were two girls by my side , one of them had a really light blonde hair , and the other had curly and darkish cyan hair , the cyan one was short and wore a REEAAAALLY BIG hoodie and Black shorts , the blonde one wore a white cropped top and pink short shorts . I might have looked at her for too long because she also woke up
We both got scared , she probably got scared because I was staring at her , and I got scared with how loud she screamed
-sorry , I didnt mean to scare you in any way
I could hear her breath , while she the cyan one glanced at us with a confused look
-what are all those screams for?
-I scared her and I got scared because of her scream
The blonde one finally got calm again and shouted
-why dont we introduce ourselves....without streaming
Commanded the short bunny girl
-oh sure
The blonde chicken replied
They both looked at me waiting for my introduction
-hmm, hi ! My name is toy freddy !
-Thats a nice name! My name is toy bonnie!
-My name also starts with toy! Pleasure to meet ya ! Im toy chica
We talked for a bit , they were cool . Well , I described them so I guess I should describe myself too
Well , im toy freddy , I have Brown hair and fair skin , i use cargo pants and a Brown short with jeans jacket . Well , thats it for now
We talked for some time and a worker come up to us
-Well , since you guys know eachother now , let me tell you guys the roles you have at the band
We paid attention at him , I think we were all curious to know what we were
- Toy freddy is the vocalist and leader-
Everyone looked at me
-sorry, continue please
-Toy bonnie is the guitarrist and the smart one , toy chica is the pretty one!
-yeah im a guitarrist!
Toy bonnie played the Air guitar and toy chica seemed upset
-are you ok ?
I whispered
-well , Im waiting for him to complete his sentence
She said loud enough for him to hear
-Toy chica , what do you mean by that
The three of us payed attention
-well , toy freddy is the vocalist , toy bonnie the guitarrist , and what am i?
The man thought for a second
-Well , you can tell the meaning behind the songs
-And I wont play any instruments?
-girls dont play instruments.
Toy bonnie coughed
-What am I?
-Well , you dont count , you look like a boy if we look from far away enough.
Toy bonnie raised her eyebrows , I think if she didnt have such thick glasses we could see what was her expression was
-Ok , lets stop yapping , I need to go home , do whatever robot teenagers do.
He went away and left us in shock
-Im sorry about that girls ...
-its okay its not your fault
-Why dont we explore the pizzaria,  i think its just us now
-Well great idea! Are you coming ?
Both the girls seemed happy , like the thing that happend didnt just happen
-Im in!

Toy foxy pov
After cleaning up the mess the kids made , I decided to explore the pizzaria , I could hear people laughing , it came from the arcade , i was a little scared , but then i remembered that a worker told me to go meet my teamates after i finished cleaning up , so that made me less scared
I walked up and stood there hiding behind the door , They alredy knew eachother and I was scared to go talk to them , but then a bunny girl came to me
-Why are you hiding behind the door
-Oh ! No worries... im lea-
-No! Let me introduce you to them!
She smiled kindly and took my hand , and dragged me to the other
-hey guys ! I found another of us!
-whats your name?
The bear said exitedly
-O-oh! Im toy foxy
-Another toy?
The chicken
-Geez the creators have no such thing as criativity
We all laughed
-My name is toy chica by the way!
-Nice to meet ya
-And mine is toy freddy!
-Toy bonnie!
I watched bonnie and freddy play at the arcade machine
While talking with toy chica , we ended up with the topic of which role we had in the team
-can you belive that my only role is being pretty?
-Really ? Thats so awful
-yeah , its ridiculous , whats your role?
-Im a childcaretaker!
-thats nice! Why werent you with us on the stage?
-well , i have my own stage in the kids cove
-Oh ! Thats seems so cool! Can i see it
I took her to see the Stage and we left tb and tf alone in the arcade room

Toy bonnie pov
-talent i'd say.
-where is chica and foxy?
Toy freddy and I looked around looking for them
-why are you so scared? They didnt h
Go that far.lets look for them!
We left the arcade and found the pieces and service room
-do you think they are in there ?
-i dont know lets see..
As tf tried to open the door an worker came running
-only staff can enter there!
-Because the owner , henry told só
-but we are staff,  we just dont get paid
-Yes... dont go in there !I have an taser and im not afraid to use it!
We just walked away , then walked back to him and said
-where is chica and foxy?
-in the kids cove
-can you take us to it?
Toy freddy asked
-No , im occupied right now
He replied
-ok then
We looked for the kids cove and only found it when they were looking for us
-oh god ! You're there!
-Where were you? Yall disapperead and we were looking for you two
-We were in the kids cove
-What were you two doing there?
-I was showing her my stage
-Can you show it to us too
-Yeah! We want to see it too!
Toy foxy smiled
End of chapter 1

Note from the author(sunnylolita on yt): im sorry if the english is bad! English isnt my first language and I know some words but i dont know how to write them! I hope you liked see you in the next  chapter!

Chronicles of the pizzaria -FNAF AUWhere stories live. Discover now