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Foxy pov on
It's been a week since we hide here during the day and leave after only the nightguard is here .
-My counterpart is very cool actually
Bonnie said excitedly
-I doubt it
I replied , I can't believe they're just going to act like their "CoUnTeRpARts" didn't replace them , And wanna know something ? My counterpart is weak , she lets the kids destroy her , she doesn't even complain
-Foxy , I think we all understood your upset we got replace
Freddy said in a passive aggressive tone
-We don't know about Chica , she didn't say nothing
I joked
-hmm hmmm hmmmmmmm >:(
Chica tried to say something , in a angry tone , she walked up to me and tried to slap me , but since she didn't have hands she couldn't
-foxy ! You should be more respectful with your sister!
-And you , Bonnie, Bonnie the bunny, should be aware about we bein-
Chica throwed an board game at me , Freddy burst out laughing, to be honest , since we discovered there were more animatronics now, Freddy became less... toxic, I don't want to go in detail , but he ... he is being fake , I hope he doesn't plan to hurt anyone.
As Freddy laughed Bonnie desperately tried to ask what was happening , Chica and her tried to communicate , since one couldn't see and the other couldn't talk , it was funny , but not for me , I said it too many times , I can't see why I would want to hang out with people who replaced me? I can't see myself hanging out with my counterpart, she is just ugly , she looks like she doesn't care for herself , her hair is pretty...I don't know how to describe it , it's white but has black stains all over it , she uses a purple hoodie that has black stains near her hands , which make her finger pointy and beast like , her face looks ... Why am I even describing her? It's not like I pay attention to her appearence so I can tease her about it , I don't even think it's called teasing , I prefer to say it as "fact spitting" !
Freddy's counterpart entered the room
-You guys can come out now!
-Oh thank god! It was getting boring alredy
Freddy said and walked out the door  , Chica helped Bonnie get up , they left and I was last one to leave, toy Freddy seemed to not like me , I guess he is scared because I have muscles and a beard. I don't know why I continue to leave , everytime I leave i argue with my counterpart, im getting sick of it. But I'm not gonna lie , she scares me sometimes . I can't tell what sets me off , I guess I fear that she one day will replace me entirely, I fear that people are going to forget me- Huh? What was I saying? She doesn't scare me , she is scared of ME , she knows I'm in a better condition than her , physically and mentally, I swear to god there's something wrong with this girl.

Toy Freddy pov on
I walked into the kitchen , don't ask me why , I thought we weren't allowed in and didn't enter there since the pizzaria opened , but Toy Bonnie mentioned that we were allowed to enter there and do whatever we want , so I went to take a look
When I enter I see the two Chicas cooking... or atletas trying to cook something , Toy Chica was asking Chica yes or no questions
-Yo girls , what are you two doing?
-we are baking cookies
Toy Chica answered
-that looks like tapioca, not cookies
Chica looked at me and sinalized yes with her head, pointed at me and continued to do yes with her head , her head was bopping like a real chicken
Toy Chica looked surprised and defeated
-I guess I can't cook ?
She laughed while looking frustrated , but she found the whole situation funny
Chica faceforearms her face as she mumbles something
-Man I wish that we could fix her , so we could understand what she says
Toy Chica replied, Chica seemed to remember something and waved her arm asking for us to follow her , we follow her to the prize room and we see an big box
-Has this box always been there?
Toy Chica questioned me
-I don't know , never been here
We stared at it trying to understand , Chica smacked head into the box
-girl u ok?!
Toy chica asked her friend
-umm guys?
I said questioning myself about the light coming from inside , a woman , pale with purple eye shadow being used as tears and red cheeks , she used an Lolita style black dress , it had puffy sleeves . She was an puppet
-Oh ! Chica what happend to you ?
Toy Chica and I were amused
-ah , you two must be Toy Chica and toy Freddy , nice to meet you , call me puppet
-hi! N-nice to meet you too
Toy Chica replied
-What brings you here ?
- we don't know ! Chica brought us here
-Ah ! Let me just..
She does something with her finger and suddenly a robotic voice translates what chica wants to say
"Fix me and the originals"
I whispered to myself
-Ok , bring them to me and I'll tell cass to fix them
-Who is cass-?
Toy Chica tried to ask
-cass, the respect in form of an animatronic
"Cass" was a bear like me and Freddy , she had dark yellow hair and jeans overalls and a yellow Freddy tshirt , she wore pigtails in her hair  and had a cool hat , it looked like mine but it had a ribbon
-Ugh! Ok , im helping you
Cass looked at the three of us
-Geez, those animatronics look gayer than before
-excuse me?
-Anyways , hi , I'm Cassandra the bear , call me cass or Cassidy . I can fix the originals if you bring them to me
Im still pissed she told me and TC , the newer animatronics looked "gay"
-ok , im going to tell bons to bring old bons , mags to bring foxy, and I'm bringing freddy
-you know foxy hates mangle with all his hate, I think you should bring him
I pretended to not hear Toy Chica and walked away
-Hey bon!
-Hey nerf
-Take Bonnie to the prize room
-we are going to fix them !
I told mangle to bring foxy to the prize room , Im going behind them so that the third world war won't happen in Freddy fazbear pizzaria hallway

Mangle pov
-TF I don' think I can call him , not without causing the Third world war.
-Don't worry , I will be going behind you two , I'm going to stop the fight if anything happened
Toy Freddy trusts me a lot , I don't think I have all that confidence , so I decided to try and tell foxy to follow me
I looked for him and found him at the arcade
He turned around slowly
-What is it?
He looked at me with his sharp facial features and dark skin
-follow me
-Never would I ever follow such a pathetic creature like you
-Oh come on don't be childish
-I'm only going if you tell me where we're going
-Toy Freddy told me to tell you to go there
He laughed
-He hates me , I won't go in there
-Well if you weren't such an bad person he would like you
He laughed with pride and started ignoring me
-I'm glad you think that
I signed and took him by the collar of his turtleneck
-Toy Freddy let's go
I said as I saw toy Freddy and Freddy waiting for us behind the arcade
-Girl you strong
Toy Freddy said , me and Freddy laughed while foxy shouted "LET ME DOWN FREAK"
At some point he realesed himself and shouted
We argued like two small children
-Shut up
He said
-shut up alredy died , I thought the mouth was mine
I replied in a agressive tone
Toy Freddy screamed
-ok guys , let's focus on getting fixed
-yeah right
The two Freddy's said
Foxy was alredy insulting me again , I don't understand why he does this to me , will he realize it's not my fault he is such an asshole and doesn't know how to be nice sometimes , I guess that's what the nightguard said when he told us they were "Agressive"
Freddy said , foxy rolled his eyes , we continued our way and finally reached the prize room

Toy Bonnie Pov on
-why are they taking so long
Bonnie asked
-I guess mangle and foxy are arguing... again
I replied , Not even me and toy Freddy argue that much, and we used to argue real often
-We're here!
Toy Freddy screamed
Me and all the other people in the room (except chica) shouted
-Ok , im going to start to rebuild them , CASSANDRAAAAA
puppet called for her friend
the girl screamed
Puppet just disappeared and walked OFF OF THE WALL behind the box
-cass say something nice!
-Hi my name is Cassidy and I hate everything , but what I hate the most is anything or anyone with the Afton blood!
Cassidy proceeded to talk the most shit about this Afton family , I have so many questions , who is the Afton family?Well , at least I think it's a family , of humans , because robots don't have blood , also how did I never notice there were two more animatronics ? And one of the is a BEAR ? I thought there were only one Freddy , toy Freddy , but then a new Freddy randomly appeared , and he was actually an older Freddy ? At least there's only two Freddie's and one Cassandra , I would literally cry if one more Freddy appeared , I hate toy Freddy , but he's my bestie , the old Freddy just seems...fake? At least there only two of them
-Cassidy will you stop talking shit about my family?
My eyes teared up when I saw AN THIRD FREDDY , at least he's yellow, they were creative at some point
-WOAH WOAH WOAH, im so confused? Her name is cass , Cassandra or Cassidy
Toy Chica asked in jokingly tone
-Girl , all of them
The female yellow Freddy replied
-Cassidy is my human name, Cassandra is the name of the animatronic I posses , cass is short for both of them!
Everyone seemed surprised , but Chica wasn't
-Well , I'll explain later ,  I have some work to do now
Everyone seemed defeated
Puppet and the two bears went somewhere else , the originals followed them

End of chapter 3
HEY YALL MA BESTAYSS , I finally finished this chapter after editing it every two minutes ,i said in previous versions that it would be two parts but nah, also I'm going to release chapter 4 today ( I think)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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