Chapter 8

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Allison's POV:

About 20 minutes later, I log off my computer.

"Thank you so much Nialler." I say smiling. He makes a funny face, causing me to laugh.

"What's for lunch?" Harry calls from the living room.  Niall looks at me expectantly as I get up from the table.

"You have to fend for yourself!" I yell at the lads and Niall face appears downcast. I laugh lightly.

"I'll cook for you, the others are to lazy to come ask nicely." I say and he perks up.

"YAAAAAAAY!" He yells and tackles me with a hug. I laugh and hug him back. There is a cough and Niall and I pull away from each other. Louis is standing there awkwardly.

"Yes?" I ask. He looks sheepish.

"Um, do you need help with lunch?" He asks quietly.

"Get in here lad, you and Niall can tell me what you two want." I reply. He perks up.

"Pizza?" He suggests and Niall starts bouncing like a little kid. I laugh.

"What kind?"

"Um..." Louis starts.

"Cheese and Hawaiian!" Niall exclaims. I walk to the phone and dial the pizza places number.

"Two cheese pizzas and one Hawaiian please." I say. I nod a couple time and hang up. The two lads jump for joy.

"Settle down, we got 10 minutes." I say. The both jump around the kitchen as I sit at the table.


Zayn's POV

"Whats for lunch?" Harry calls into the kitchen. The rest of us are starving, so Harry decided to voice our opinions.

"You have to fend for yourself!" Allison calls back. The rest of us looked shocked. We hear her laugh and say something to Niall.

"YAAAAAAAY!" We hear him yell. I wonder what she told him. Louis stands up and walks to the kitchen. He coughs and stands there awkwardly.

"Um, do you need help with lunch?" He asks quietly. He perks up instantly and walks into the kitchen. I shrug and go back to my game.


Louis' POV

Ten minutes later, there is a knock at the door.

"PIZZA'S HERE!" Niall and I yell. Allison starts laughing, grabs her wallet and answers the door.

"LOU, COME GET THE PIZZA!" She calls as I rush over, Niall on my trail. She quickly pays the man a twenty and closes the door before he sees us. The three of us laugh and run to the table. Niall steals the Hawaiian and Allison takes one of the cheese. We all sit at the table as the other lads walk in.

"You have pizza!?!?!" They exclaim.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Allison states. They look between themselves. They all mumble a "no" and walk to the cupboards to find something to eat. As soon as they dig out the noodles, Allison gets up from the table and throws out her pizza box. Harry looks at her shocked.

"You're done already?" Harry asks

'Yea... Is that a problem?" She replies with a smirk causing me and Niall to laugh. She winks, causing him to look away. A wave of disappointment washes over me. She looks at Niall.

"Just Dance?" She asks. Niall and I jump up and run to the living room. 


Allison's POV:

"Just Dance?" I ask. Niall and Louis jump up and run to the living room. I laugh and see Harry, checking me out in the corner of his eye. I roll my eyes. What's with guys and checking me out? I walk over to him.

"Don't try curly." I whisper and back away. He is visibly shaking as I smirk and walk into the living room.


"I win!" I exclaim as Louis and Niall collapse on the couch in exhaustion. I laugh.

"Another song?" I ask, causing Niall to groan. I look at Louis expectantly.

"Only if I can pick.' He says.

"YAAAAAAY!" I squeal jumping up and down.

"OWWWWW" I hear Zayn, Liam and Harry yell from the kitchen. I laugh.

"You ready?" Louis asks me and I look at the song. What Makes you beautiful. I look at the screen and sit on the couch. Louis looks at me.

"Allison?" He asks, he sounds worried.

"I can't do it.." I say quietly I shake my head.

"Is everything alright?" He asks sitting next to me. I nod zoning out.


"Nobody loves you! You're worthless!"  One of the girls say to a eleven year old me.

"Stop please! Stop!" I cry as the beat me and taunt me. The seconds go by with each agonizing beating. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the beatings stop. The girls walk away laughing, leaving me on the sidewalk.

"Nobody will ever love! You're ugly! Go kill yourself!" Insults, taunts and threats are hurled at me as I stand up weakly One of them runs up and pushes me back into the pavement. The group laughs and runs away, leaving me there crying.

*End of Flashback*

"Allison? Allison are you okay?" Liam's voice sounds so far away. He snaps his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my daze. All the lads are around and I'm in Louis' arms?

"Allison, are you okay?" Zayn asks, sounding worried. I nods causing everyone to relax, but Louis. Why is he so worried about me? I climb out of Louis' arms and pick a song. I spin around to face the lads smirking.

"Who wants to play me?"

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