I'll look after you

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So this is a part from my deleted story but I decided to upload it because I havent uploaded in ages and I wanted to update you guys!

The Gangle, Jax and Ragatha were at Pomni's door because she didn't show up to the adventure.

'Pomni are you there?' asked Jax a bit worried. *Wait what if all this is my fault, what if someone told her what happened between me and Lara?* Ragatha thought to herself. 'Pomni dear can you please open the door?' Ragatha said. 'What if she is not in there, she could be somewhere else,' Suggested Gangle. 'Maybe, but where could she be?' stated Ragatha. 'Wait everyone be quiet,' Jax said trying to hear through the door, 'I hear breathing she is in there!' Jax said excitedly. Gangle tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. 'Uh I think it is locked!' Gangle said in worry. 'Dont worry I have a key to her room, im gonna unlock it,' Jax said gesturing for everyone to move back. 

Jax put the key in the hole and turned it, the door then creaked open and they were met with a terrible sight. 'OMG WHAT HAPPENED?' Ragatha said in shock. 'I-I-I dont know, why is Pomni unconscious?' Said Gangle. Jax then cautiously walked over to where Pomni was laying on the floor and saw a knife and picked it up seeing fresh black blood on the metal. 'Someone or herself stabbed her,' Jax said whilst his voice was shaking, he then looked down to see blood oozing out of her lower stomach, 'There, its came from her stomach, thats were she was stabbed,' Jax said kneeling down. The other 4 then slowly came to walk over to see what happened. *Wait did she do this because of me?* Ragatha thought to herself  whilst tears formed in her eye (One eyed doll).

Jax then placed his fingers on Pomni's neck to try and feel her pulse, 'Luckily she is still breathing and alive, but if we dont act fast enough she could die!' Jax explained. 'Well what should we do?' asked Ragatha. 'I know, Gangle come with me we need to get Zooble, kinger and Lara and then find Caine, he should know what to do,' Jax replied to Ragatha. Gangle nodded. 'Ragatha, your job is to look after Pomni and if she wakes up then try to comfort her,' Jax then said to Ragatha. 'Ok, you 2 be safe and try and be quick, because as you say we dont know how much longer she has,' Ragatha said. The 2 nodded and then left the room running as fast as they could.

Ragatha then moved closer to Pomni and picked her up bridal style and then gently placed her on her lap. *Pomni I am so sorry if you did this because of what I did, I feel terrible, I know I shouldn't have done it* Ragatha thought to herself, she always blamed herself because she felt like everything was her fault even if it wasn't. Ragatha then started doing gentle strokes on Pomni's face with her hand to let Pomni know she was there with her. 'Pomni I am so sorry, I know I shouldn't have done that, but do you forgive me?' Ragatha whispered to Pomni. It was silent for a second until something unexpected happened. 'I do,' Pomni replied quietly. 'OMG POMNI ARE YOU OK, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?' asked Ragatha worried. 'Ragatha you know you d-dont need to apologise, and it wasn't because of you, and I didn't even stab m-myself,' Pomni said weakly. 'Then who was it?' asked Ragatha out of curiosity. 'It was Lara, she left the knife next to me to make you t-think it was me even though it was h-her,' Pomni said Crying in Pain because of her very serious injury. 'Oh, Pomni I am so sorry, I knew I shouldn't have trusted her, I am so sorry that this happened!' Ragatha exclaimed wiping away Pomni's tears. Pomni tried to smile but it just made her cry more. Ragatha wiped away her own tears to try and not make Pomni panic, but unfortunately Pomni saw what Ragatha did.

'Are you c-crying?' Asked Pomni breathing shakily. 'N-No,' Ragatha said not in a very promising way. Pomni then winced in pain and looked very tired like she could faint any second. 'Pomni please don't worry, you can go to sleep if you want to, I will look after you, the others should be back soon with Caine and he will try to help you,' Ragatha said calmly, but she knew in the inside she was panicking so much. 'R-Ragatha, if I ever do m-make it, I have s-something to tell you,' Pomni said. Ragatha nodded. Pomni then fell unconscious again. Ragatha then started crying again, she could loose her best-friend here and it was all her fault. 'Pomni I am so sorry, I will try to look after you until they find Caine,' Ragatha said crying. Then a thought came to Ragatha. She gently placed Pomni on her bed and then Ragatha grabbed the bottom of her dress and then tore a part of, and then pressed it down on Pomni's cut. 'Im sorry if this hurts Pomni, but hopefully this will help with all the blood coming from your wound,' Ragatha whispered. Ragatha then placed Pomni back on her lap and then started to hug Pomni. Ragatha was just sat there in silence hugging Pomni for a while until the others burst through the door with Caine. 'Ragatha we have Caine!' Jax said panting heavily. 'Oh Thank god,' Ragatha said still crying, 'If you came any later I dont think she would of made it!'. Caine then floated over to the unconscious jester and then clicked his fingers and a bandage  magically appeared around Pomni's lower stomach were the wound was. 'Hopefully she will be fine but she just needs to rest for a while, Ragatha can you look after her for a while we need to try and find Lara, because we couldn't find her anywhere!' Caine commanded. Ragatha nodded considering she didn't really want to leave Pomni's side at the moment, but for the moment she decided not to tell them what Lara did to Pomni cause she was going to wait for Pomni to wake up. 

The others left the room as Ragatha lifted Pomni up and pulled the duvet over Pomni, and she had to admit she was quite cute when she was sleeping. Ragatha then grabbed a chair and sat down on it right next to the bed and placed her hand on top of Pomni's. Ragatha waited for a while until she heard coughs come from the girl, and she looked over to see she was waking up. 'POMNI, I cant believe you're ok!' Ragatha said smiling. 'Omg Ragatha you didnt lie when you said you would look after me, anyway I know this is sudden and I just woke up but do you remember what I said before I fell asleep?' asked Pomni nervously but excitedly at the same time. 'You said you had something to tell me,' Ragatha replied. 

'Well, you dont have to say yes but,' Pomni took a deep breath, 'For a while now I have been developing some feelings for someone, and they take care of me quite alot, and that person is you, and ecer since I first met you I have admired everything about you from your beauty, your personality and how you care about others, you smile, your everything and your just so perfect, so what I am trying to make it is that, do you want to be my..... Girlfriend?' Pomni asked nervously. 'Ragatha was stunned that she had some many compliments in one go like who would compliment her. Ragatha thought for a moment. 'Yes, I would love to!' Ragatha responded. 'Really?' Pomni asked. Ragatha nodded. Pomni couldn't help but smile before hugging Ragatha. Ragatha hugged Pomni back, 'I love you Pomni,' Ragatha whispered. 'I love you to!' Pomni whispered back.

'Well should we go to find the others to consult Lara?' Ragatha asked. Pomni nodded and she slowly got out the bed and walked over to the door with a slight limp. Ragatha then followed Pomni and held her hand. 'Lets go then, I wonder what the others would say?' Pomni asked. 'They would be shocked more than likely,' Ragatha responded shutting the door behind the two. 'Well lets go find the others and tell them then,' Pomni said nervously. 


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