Chapter 4: The Mystery Girl

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It was a quiet, dark night. The only sounds were the occasional hooting of owls and the scurrying of rats. Diagon Alley was empty, for all the shops had shut long ago. The only light came from the windows of Gringott's Wizarding Bank, the safest and most respected bank in the world of magic.

Inside the bank, a few goblins worked tirelessly, counting and sorting the heaps of gold, silver, and bronze that filled the vaults. They ignored the noise of footsteps in the entrance hall, thinking it was another goblin. They did not see the figure that crept past the iron gates and headed for the deepest and most protected vaults.

The figure was a girl, barely sixteen, with long red hair and sharp black eyes. She wore a black cloak that hid her body and a mask that concealed her face. She held a wand in her hand, and a bag on her shoulder. She moved quickly and quietly, dodging the security cameras and the bewitched alarms. She had a goal, and she was resolved to achieve it.

She came to the end of the corridor, where a huge metal door stood. The girl smiled and aimed her wand at the door. She whispered a word, and the door opened with a loud squeak.

The vault was full of gold. There were piles of coins, bars, ingots, and jewels. There were also rare and precious items, such as old relics, charmed weapons, and magical creatures.

She did not waste any time and started filling her bag with as much gold as she could. She did not care about the other items; she only wanted the money. She knew she had to be fast, as the goblins would soon notice that something was wrong. She had to escape before they found her.

She was so absorbed in her task that she did not hear the footsteps behind her. She did not see the shadow that fell over her. She did not feel the hand that seized her shoulder and turned her around. She only realized she was not alone when she looked into a pair of furious yellow eyes.

A growl came from behind her. "Who are you?" the voice demanded. "What are you doing here?"

She spun around and saw a goblin glaring at her. He was short and stocky, with a shiny bald head and a pointed nose. He wore a guard's uniform, with a sword at his side and a badge on his chest. He was not the only one. Two more goblins stood behind him, ready to attack.

She had expected this. She reached for her wand, but the goblin was quicker. He snatched it from her and threw it aside. He drew his sword and swung it at her.

She dodged by instinct. She grabbed the nearest thing - a bag of gold - and hurled it at the goblin's face. It hit him with a thud and he collapsed, out cold. She sprinted for the door, hoping to get away. She didn't make it. The other goblins cut her off. They pointed their swords at her and hissed.

"Hold it, you dirty thief!" one of them yelled. "You're not going anywhere!"

She knew she was cornered. But the goblins didn't know her secret. She was ready to use her dark magic.

She let go of the bag of gold and clenched her hands. She felt a wave of power flow through her. She felt a surge of adrenaline fill her. She felt a blast of anger erupt in her. She opened her mouth and screamed.

The scream was not a human scream. It was a scream of pure magic. It was a scream of agony and fury. It was a scream that broke the air and the walls. It was a scream that released a shockwave of dark energy that hit everything in its way.

The goblins had no chance. They were struck by the force of the scream and flung back. They smashed into the walls and the floor, cracking bones and spilling blood. They were not dead, but they were badly hurt. They were no longer a problem.

She did not spare a glance for the fallen goblins behind her. They meant nothing to her. She had only one goal in mind: to get out of there with her prize. She snatched up her sack of gold, clutched her wand in her hand and sprinted out of the vault. She dashed along the corridor, avoiding the falling rubble and the blazing flames. She headed for the exit, praying for a way to escape.

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