Chapter 1: Masks of Perfection

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I've always been alone.

No one knows. No one.

At the same time, why would they? All they see is Adrien Kress, the "perfect" model. Of course they wouldn't know. They can't know.

At thirteen, I was already accustomed to the flashing lights and glamorous façade of the fashion world. But behind the glossy photoshoots and runway walks, I felt like I was standing on the side-lines, watching life pass me by. It only took me a moment to realise that this life isn't mine. It never was.

My parents, consumed by their own ambitions, had little time for me. Their rejection cut deep, leaving me feeling like an outsider in my own family. Even at my boarding school, I couldn't escape the sense of isolation that plagued me.

I was always on the side-lines of my parents' ambitions. They were more focused on my career than on nurturing a connection with me. Their absence left a gaping hole in my heart. One that could not be put back together so easily.

Even at my prestigious boarding school overseas, I found little solace. Surrounded by students who saw me as nothing more than a famous face, I longed for a connection that eluded me at every turn. It was a lonely existence, one that left me yearning for something more, something real.

My school was a cold and sterile place where I spent my days buried in textbooks and my nights dreaming of a life beyond the confines of my gilded cage. But even there, I found little solace, my classmates viewing me with a mixture of envy and disdain. They saw me as a conceited and vain being, who only cared about fame and wealth.

But they don't know the truth.

Despite the fame and adoration, I've always felt isolated. Surrounded by adults who are more concerned with my image than my well-being, I've grown accustomed to putting on a smile and pretending everything is fine.

Amidst the glitz and glamour, I couldn't shake the feeling of isolation. I was surrounded by people who saw only the polished exterior, the flawless image I presented to the world. No one bothered to look beyond the surface, to see the lonely boy longing for connection.

Then, one ordinary afternoon, my phone rang with a call that would change everything. It was my Father. I stared at my phone, heart racing as I answered the call from my father. "Hello?"

"Adrien," his voice was cool and collected, as usual. "I've got news."

My breath caught in my throat. "What kind of news?"

"We've come to an agreement with the school board," he said. "You're going to be able to attend a regular school."

I could hardly believe it. "A normal school? With other kids my age?"

"Yes," he confirmed, though his tone was guarded. "It's time for you to experience life beyond what you've known."

Excitement bubbled up inside me. "When does it start?"

"Next semester," he replied. "I'll handle the arrangements. But Adrien, I need you to understand the responsibility that comes with this opportunity."

"I do, Dad," I promised earnestly. "I'll work hard and make the most of it."

There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "Remember, Adrien, this is a privilege. Don't take it for granted."

"I won't," I assured him, determination swelling in my chest. "I'll make you proud."

With that, we said our goodbyes, and I hung up the phone, feeling a surge of anticipation. This was my chance to break free from the loneliness that had haunted me for so long. And as I looked forward to the future, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within me.

As I set the phone down, a whirlwind of emotions swirled within me. Excitement, nervousness, and a profound sense of gratitude all vied for dominance in my mind. This opportunity was like a lifeline thrown to me in the vast sea of my loneliness. I knew that transitioning to a regular school would come with its challenges. The academic workload would likely be different, and I'd have to adjust to a new routine. But those were challenges I was eager to face if it meant breaking free from the isolation that had weighed me down for so long.

With renewed determination, I began to imagine what life at a regular school would be like. I pictured myself making friends, laughing with classmates, and feeling like I truly belonged somewhere. It was a vision that filled me with hope and excitement, driving me to prepare for this new chapter of my life with unwavering resolve.

In the days that followed, I threw myself into getting ready for the transition. I poured over textbooks, eager to catch up on any material I might have missed during my time at the boarding school. I also spent hours researching the new school, familiarizing myself with its layout and imagining the adventures that awaited me within its walls.

As the start of the new semester drew closer, my anticipation only grew stronger. I counted down the days, eagerly awaiting the chance to step into this new chapter of my life and leave the loneliness of my past behind me.

With each passing moment, I felt a sense of purpose blossoming within me. This wasn't just about going to a new school – it was about reclaiming my sense of self, about finding connection and belonging in a world that had so often left me feeling adrift.

And as I looked to the future, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, I was ready to face them head on. This was my chance to finally break free from the chains of loneliness and forge a path towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. And I couldn't wait to see where it would lead me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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