Chapter 20~Period Care

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A week has passed.

The morning rays fall on the Nandini's face, she woke up and saw her husband sleeping peacefully.

She leaned and kissed on his forehead and got down from the bed.

She was feeling a little uneasiness in her body, but she shrugged and went to bathroom to get ready.

After some time, she came out wearing a saree and saw abhiraj sitting on bed leaning his head on the headboard.

As soon as his eyes fall on her, a smile came on his face.

"Good morning" he said

"Good morningg ouchh!"

He pushed the blanket aside and ran to her.

"What happened jaan" he asked panicking

Another shot of pain hit her in her lower abdomen and she felt wetness between her thighs. She clutched her thighs.

"Say something jaan" he said

"I am coming" she said and rushed to bathroom, she checked and it was her period.

"Urrghh.. what do I do now..  I don't even have sanitary pads"

"Should I ask him"

"It feels a little embarrassing"

"But he is my husband.. anyways, I don't have any other option"

She opened the door and he rushed to her.

"What happened? Are you feeling pain" he asked with concern

"Umm.. ac_actually, my p_periods have started" she said

"Ohh!" He took a breath of relief

"But.. I don't have any sanitary pads" she said shaking her head

"Umm.. you just wait here, I'll come" he said and left the room quickly.

He went to Revati's room and knocked, he knocked again and at last the door opened.

There stood revati in half sleep.

"What do you need bhaisa atleat sleep me on sunday" she said sulking

"Um.. actually Nandini has started h_her periods, do you have pads, she needs them" he asked scratching his neck

"Oh! Yeah! Just wait here" revati said and went inside.

She came in a few moments with a packet on pads and a hot water bag.

"Here take this, and use this hot water bag if she feels cramps" she said and gave stuff to him

"Okay.. thank you" he said and turned to leave

He reached his room and saw nandini tensed waiting for him.

"Here.. take this" he said giving packet to her

"From where did you get it" she asked thinning her eyebrows

"If you forget, I have a sister also" he said

"Okay.. thank you" she said and went to bathroom

She came after some time, clutching her stomach.

Abhiraj held her shoulders and made her sit on bed.

"Just rest here" he said

"But, I have to go downstairs, how can I rest" she said standing from bed but he again pushed her down

"No need to go anywhere if you are in pain, I will tell that you are unwell" he said

"No.. I will manage... okay, I will rest no problem" she again stood but sat back on earning a hard glare from him

"You stay here I will bring your breakfast" he said and left

He came after sometime and put the plate in front of him and began feeding her. She took a morsel and fed him too.

After breakfast, she laid on bed and he got ready for his office.

He came out from closet and saw her sleeping but her hands were still tightly clutched on her stomach.

Then he remembered revati gave him hot water bag, he charged it and placed it on her stomach.

Then he kissed her forehead and then both her cheeks.

"Take care jaan" he said and left

After some time she woke up feeling a bit heavy on her. She opened her eyes and saw hot water bag placed on her. A smile stretched on her face on seeing her husband's care for her.

She sat on bed and put it aside as she was feeling better now.

She spent her whole day either resting or talking with revati, she was waiting for abhiraj so that she could hug him tightly.

It was 10 pm and still he wasn't at home, usually he come at 8pm. She kept waiting for him sitting on couch, and she unknowingly dozed off.

At 11pm, abhiraj entered hus room and saw nandini sleeping on couch in a uncomfortable position.

He paced to her quietly so she doesn't awake, but her sleep got disturbed and she opened her eyes and rubbed them like a baby.

As soon as she saw him, she stood up.

"This is the time to come home, Mr. Raghuvanshi" she said in a stern voice

"Baby, I got some work, I am sorry" he said and tried to place his hand on her shoulder but she stepped back

"Seriously! Here your wife waits for you whole day! And you didn't even bother to atleast inform her!" She said being angry

"But-" he was cut off in between

"But what? Hn? Don't you know I am not well you should come early" she said and started crying

"My baby, please don't cry, you know I can't see you like this" he said and pulled her into a hug.

She hit his chest in anger, but still hugged him tightly.

After a few moments, she broke the hug and he wiped her tears.

"But you could have informed me" she said

"Mrs. Raghuvanshi, please care to check your phone" he said and she picked her phone and saw he really messaged her at 9 pm that he would be late. She didn't saw it.

"I am so sorry, to yell on you" she said again started crying

"Rona nhi hai nandini, you are my strong wife na?" He said

She nodded and wiped her tears.

He kissed her forehead and in return dhe too kissed him on cheek. He git shocked on seeing her move, but he was happy that she is getting comfortable around him.

"You had dinner" he asked and she nodded.

Then he led her to bed and made her lay on it. He too lais beside her and switched off the lights.

She shifted to him and placed her head on his chest, he too wrapped his arm around him.

He was moving his hand on her back, which was relaxing her body, he kept doing it, until she falls asleep.

He saw her sleeping, her one leg on him, one arm around his waist, lips slightly parted. She was sleeping just like a baby.

He kissed her hair and then slept, securing her in his arms.

Double updated!!

My exams are going on but still I managed to write. Kindly vote and comment.

And thank you to my readers who regularly vote and comment on my story.

Thank you!

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