Chapter 24

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Author's POV

Abhiraj and Nandini both left from the party and reached home at midnight. As soon as they reached their room, Abhiraj pinned her on the wall and smashed his lips on hers, and began sucking and nibbling on her lips.

Nandini tried to enter her tongue inside his mouth, but he didn't let her and continued eating her lips. She decided to use his trick and digged her nails hard on his left shoulder.

He groaned and took the chance. She entered her tongue inside his mouth and began exploring her insides. He grabbed her thighs, and she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed himself against her, making his length rubbed against her.

Nandini's POV

I moaned, feeling his length against my lower abdomen. I sucked on the side of his neck and bit there, making him groan.

He laid me on the bed, and began kissing and sucking on all over my jaw and neck, his one hand resting on my waist,while other was working on the safety pin, which secured the pallu of saree on my shoulder.

He removed my pallu, and within seconds, my whole saree was lying on the floor, leaving me in the underskirt and blouse. His hand reached behind my back to open the hooks, but I stopped his hand and said.

"You are still clothed. There should be equality, right?" I said.

I sat and hurriedly opened his shirt, and he threw it away. He opened the hooks of my blouse and threw it on the floor and another second, my bra also joined it.

He pushed me back, and I fell on the bed. He again hovers over me, squeezed my left breast, and latched on my right breast.

He was swirling his tongue over my aerola and bit on my nipple making me moan.


He sucked on my breast while kneading the other and pinching my nipple, making me moan. I could feel wetness building inside me.

"Ahhhh, rajj."

He gave a long lick from between of my breasts to my neck before his hand reached my underskirt. He untied the knots and took it out along with my panties.

My breathing raced, and he stood from bed to take off his pants, I looked away due to shyness.

"No, no, babygirl, look here," he said, dominating.

I couldn't help but look at him while he took off his pants and boxers and hovered over me, and latched over my breast.

He took his hand between us, and his fingers played with my folds while I moaned.

"Ahhhh." I held onto his shoulders tightly while he entered his two fingers inside me.


He began thrusting them in and out, and those two fingers began three, and the sounds of my moans, the wetness of the skin, filled the room.

I was feeling the sensations running all over my body and a knot of pleasure developing in my lower abdomen.

"Don't stop pleaaanhhh!"

He increased his speed while kneading my boobs.

Abhiraj's POV

She was moaning in pleasure, her eyes closed tightly, sweat beads forming on her forehead, her arched back, and her gorgeous body marked mine. What a sight!

"Aahhh, I-I am close, Raj." She said, moaning. I thrusted my fingers inside her a few times, and just before she could release, I pulled my fingers back.

Her eyes shot open.

"Why did you do this?" She asked frustratingly.

"Because, today you will cum only on my cock." I said and kneeled in between her legs, and lined my dick, on her opening and thrusted inside her only half.

"Aaanhhh." She moaned in pleasure and of course pain also, she was still very tight.

I gave her time to adjust and only when she nodded at me continue, I thrusted fully inside.

"Aaanhhh." She screamed, and a tear slipped from her eye.

I kissed her on her forehead and slowly began thrusting inside her. She clutched on my shoulders, while moaning and marking me with her nail scratches.

"Aanhh, f-faster." She said with her eyes closed and slowly drowning in pool of pleasure.

I gradually increased my pace, and her boobs were bouncing with each thrust.

I began thrusting inside her with my full strength, and she began to wiggle under me. She was about to cum.

I hit her sweet spot a few more time, when she released on me.

"Ahhh, aahhhh rajj, I love you."

She came down from her high and I pulled my dick from her. I held her ankles and turned her over her stomach.

I patted on her ass and said.

"Arch your back for me, love."

She raised her ass high, with her face pressed on the pillow.
I rubbed my dick on her pussy for a few time and she was aroused again.

"Love, if you uncomfortable or if you can't bear it anymore, you will tell me, understood?"

"Okay, now please do it." She said in desperation, making me chuckle.

I thrusted inside her and began ramming inside her. While she was whimpering, and her moans were muffled due to her face pressed in pillows.

She has tightly clutched the bedsheets in both her hands.
I continued thrusting, while she began to wiggle her arms and legs.

She does this whenever she can't handle the pleasure. I locked both her hands behind her back and rammed inside her, just then she said.

"I am ahhhhh close ahhhh!"

"Wait for me baby, I am close too." I said groaning.

After a few more thrusts, both of us released together, and I fell beside her on the bed, panting heavily.

She was still in the same position, panting. She turned on her back, and I pulled her towards me, and she kept her head on my chest.

After a few minutes, I tapped on her shoulder but, she was asleep.

My baby must be tired after a long workout session, I saw the time, it was 2 am.

I laid her on the bed and went to bathroom and took a quick shower. I came out wearing only sweatpants, with a damp soft cloth.

I gently parted her legs and saw both of our cum dripping out of her. I gently cleaned her, and she hissed in sleep.
I stopped for a second, and when she was asleep again, I cleaned her properly and went back to the bathroom to wash my hands.

Coming out, I laid beside her and cuddled her from back, with my hands resting on her naked breasts.

So.. I know it's a long time.
But I was just not able to focus.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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