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Washington pov
I screamed, John, my one of my best men was covered in dirt, not just dirt mud and and a heck ton of it at that.

"What are you doing?"

I don't know whether to be confused or disappointed, however, Lafayette running over it seemed to have proved that I should be disappointed, as Lafayette was the most confused looking Frenchman that I've ever seen at that moment,

"why, why would he do this?" I could just tell that Lafayette was slowly losing his mind at least he knows how I feel it with Hamilton all the time. I look around we have one child located, we do not have the other child located though

"hey Lafayette weren't you supposed to keep an eye on Hercules. where is herc?"

lafayette's head around so fast that I thought I might just pop off  I heard him say

before he ran off and start to Hercules probably making sure he didn't eat something weird again. The last thing I need is one of my men to get salmonella.

I picked up John hopefully getting him towards the water so we can clean now off at least most of his face however I hear some whistling in the bushes. it's not very good hoping and really really wishing that this is not a soldier, but in fact just an animal maybe a fox.

Oh God I have not had a good fox in a while or maybe a deer a deer can feed the camp for a while. I slowly pull out my gun from my holster and walk slowly towards the bush as if it is an animal I don't want it to bite me or run off because well it's food however when I move the bush aside I was not found by a random little fox or a deer big enough to feed the whole camp for a little while instead I was met with a teary face Hamilton

Hamilton P O v.
I didn't expect that accidentally falling into a bush would lead to a gun pointed at my head. There's a first time for everything.

I didn't exactly realize I was crying until I realized the pitiful look on his words.  whoever this man was certainly I had no clue he was, but I felt to follow as if I was a duck but it's fine ducks are reasonably adorable I think

well he quickly scooped me up despite the fact that I tried to tell him no but again I was crying so I wasn't able to do so so pathetic

I thought if father saw me crying he I try not to think about what he do but for the most part I clung on to this new father figure with all of my might

I don't know who he is but he's taller than me and he seems to have a way of knowing things without hurting some people.

I noticed a small boy in the grass well sort of he's stuck behind some logs and there seems to be a hole near him.  He's holding a small green is that a small dinosaur.  I Screech and try to climb on top of this new father figure at least anyway I wear from that green dinosaur

Washington P O v
I picked up Hamilton and I didn't expect him for when I turn around to scream at the top of his lungs, not only did that hurt my ears, but if the British were in earshot.

by then we would be toast and floating down the river river of blood, but I didn't think he'd be scared of whatever John was doing. The only thing he was holding was a turtle. John was holding a turtle.

Which only meant one thing Hamilton and I've never seen a turtle or was scared to death of them I assume the first one giving the fact that John and Hamilton have gone out looking for Turtles one time and Hamilton seem to be quite a good mood when he came back.

An sorry for the short chapter it was supposed to be longer, but then I forgot to edit it all and you know how it goes.
Words: 715

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