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Regina carefully snuck out of the castle, that was now her home. Her and her lover had just met their 5 month anniversary. She quickly raced down with bag in hand to the stables where she knew her lover would be. They, along with Daniel had planned to runaway together.

"Are you sure you want to do this? There's no turning back, 'Gina," Regina smiled at her lover, "I know. But if it means I can be with you, then I'm prepared to make that sacrifice." Regina hugged Daniella and then kissed her. She pulled away when she heard her mothers words.

"Regina. Let the stable girl go this instant."

Regina looked at Daniella with fear in her eyes. Daniella kept her cold expression on her face as she looks at Cora, "Your highness." Daniella bowed her head. Cora walked closer to them. As she did so, Daniel stepped protectively in front of his sister.

"Move back, Stable boy. I only wish to speak to the one who has captured my daughter's heart." Daniel looked back and down at his sister, who nodded.

He stepped out of the way and Cora smirked at the young girl, "You are very brave. Tell me, why is it that you want Regina? Is it money? I have lots of it. I'll give you whatever it is you want to owave my daughter alone." Daniella scoffed, "I'm with Regina, because I love her. No amount of money can change that." Daniella stood her ground confirmedly.

Cora smiled at the girl, "I suppose not. But, death can." And with that, Cora forced her hand into Daniella's chest. Regina yelled in shock as she watched her mother in horror. Cora pulled the heart from the teens chest and dropped it. Regina ran to her and cried over her body.

"No, no, no. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen!" Regina cried out.

Regina woke up in a sweat, panting and gasping for air.

'Again?' She thought trying to even out her breathing. She wiped the sweat from her temple and looked at the clock that sat on her dresser.

'7:43' it read. Regina sighed and dragged herself from bed. She went to shower and after that she got dressed in the first thing she saw in her closet.

She looked in the mirror, she looked fashionable. She had on blue jeans wth a red shirt to pair with it. Her hair was still damp but no longer dripping with water. She knew later it would frizz up into a good looking style. She sighed at her reflection. She saw the dark circle under her eyes, she knew they were from the lack of sleep she was getting.

She quickly did her make-up, it was light, almost non-noticable. She rarely wore make-up, unless it eyebrow liner, mascara, or lipstick. Everything else, was natural for her.

Regina took one last look at her reflection before putting her heeled boots on. She then left her house after locking the door.

She walked a few steps to her car and got in. She sighed and put her seatbelt on.


Regina sat in her office tiredly. She wished she was home back in her bed. She then pulled a pen, along with a journal. She flicked through the book, seeing all of the previous letters she had written to Daniella.

Dear Daniella,

Today was like any other day this month. I woke up with from that nightmare that was your death. To this day, it pains me. Daniel blamed me for it. I don't think I've ever told you that before, have I? Anyways, he claims that if you hadn't ever met me, you would still be alive. I can't help but feel like he's right. I miss you so much, more and more everyday. And these nightmares, they've gotten longer, the torment lasted longer tonight than it ever had before. I had finally thought your death stopped haunting me, that I was over your death, but clearly I was wrong. I promise to you, on my life, I will get my revenge for your death. I will make sure both Snow and Cora will pay. I love you forever and always.

𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 ● 𝐑.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now