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Regina woke up happily the next day

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Regina woke up happily the next day. She smiled when she tried to get out of bed but couldn't due to Daniella's arms being wrapped around her frame securely. Chuckling, Regina kissed Daniella causing her eyes to flutter open. Daniella grinned and pulled Regina closer.

"I've got to go to work today," Regina groaned as she pushed the woman away with a smile. Daniella groaned, "You're the mayor, can't you call off? Or just not go in?" Daniella pouted. Regina was about to protest but she saw the look in Daniella's eyes. Sighing, Regina kid back down and cuddled into her lover.

Daniella kissed Regina's neck causing her to whince. Daniella pulled back, "You okay?" She asked, concern visible in her voice.

Regina nodded, "My neck is just sore," Daniella chuckled as she gently placed kisses along the trail of hickey's on the mayor's neck.

"How the hell are you still energetic?" Regina asked as Daniella rolled on top of her. Daniella grinned, and she kissed Regina, "There's not much to do in the after-life. You've got no choice but to rest. And, I'm tired of resting." Daniella's hand ghosted the trail of hickey's down Regina's body.


Regina and Daniella walked into Granny's diner, hand-in-hand, smiling at each other as they talked. Regina was catching Daniella up on everything that has happened in her life.

The sat down at a both in the farthest corner from the charmings. Regina removed her sunglasses and the glare that was directed at Daniella became playful. The Charmings looked at Regina in shock, they had never seen a side of the mayor like this before.

"Ojalá dejaran de mirarme. Sinceramente, se está poniendo un poco espeluznante." Regina groaned as she loosened the scarf around her neck a bit, "I do't know why you've chosen to put the fabric on. It looks uncomfortable." Daniella said and Regina laughed.

"Also, if you need me to go over there and tell them to stop, then I will," Daniella said with a smirk, "Please don't. It'll only create more problems. And that is enough." Regina looked at Daniella with a pleading look. Daniella clicked her teeth with a small smile.

"And I chose to wear this scarf to hide the trail of hickey's you left on my neck." Regina said as she playfully glared at her lover, "Ooh! Let me see!" Emma said as she sat across from them. Regina groaned and ducked her head on embarrassment. Both Emma and Daniella laughed.

"I'm serious! I wanna see!" Emma grinned, "Quiet down, Ms. Swan." Regina said as she pulled the scarf down a bit and tilted her head.

Emma whistled as she High-fived Daniella.

"What's going on here?" A deep voice asked and both Daniella and Emma looked at Regina. The brunnette groaned and glared at the two before looking up to see Robin and Marian standing there, "Are those hickey's?" Marian asked in surprise, "Well, there's no need to hide it now," Regina pulled the scarf off and Emma's eyes widened as her mouth fell open.

"Holy shit, D!" Emma exclaimed as she stared at the the rest of the hickey's that covered Regina's neck.

Regina flushed as Daniella smirked, "I did a good job, didn't I?" She asked Emma who nodded and laughed.

Robin stared at the 'D' that was on Regina's neck. Daniella looked at Robin and smirked at him before turning her attention back to Regina.

"You did that?" Robin croaked out. Emma and Regina shared a look and they both tried everything to keep it together, "I did. Problem?" Daniella asked as she glared at Robin.

Marian tried to pull Robin away before he would do something he would regret.

"You hardly know each other!" He spat at Daniella. Daniella scoffed, "Tch. 'Gina, when did we meet?" She asked the former queen.

"When I was 19." Regina said with a smirk, "You've met before but you don't know her!" He shouted and the charmings got up to see what the commotion was about.

"Oh, and you do? What's her favourite colour?" Daniella challenged as she stood up and leaned on the table.

"Purple or red." Robin stater confidently, "It isn't. It's lime green actually." Daniella said. They both looked to Regina who nodded her head toward Daniella.

"So what? You know her favourite colour! That doesn't mean anything." Robin said angrily. Marian sighed at her husband's antics.

"Robin please. Let's go. You're embarrassing yourself." Marian told him, "No." Robin stated firmly, "She's my soulmate. And I'm not giving up on her." Daniella went quiet at that. "Dan, wait." Daniella just kept walking. She left the diner in a hurry. Regina glared at Rebin, "Keep ruining my life, why don't you?" Regina poofed away.


Regina had finally given up on finding Daniella. She looked all over Storybrooke for her, yet she couldn't find her. Regina doesn't know how much time passed as she laid on her bed crying herself to sleep. Just as she was about to drift off unconscious, she feels the bed dip. More tears flowed down Regina's face as she curled into herself.

"I'm sorry, love," Daniella tried but Regina didn't respond.

"I went to go see Tink. Asked her of what he said was true...You know what she told me?" Daniella pulled Regina closer to her. "She told me you had 2 chances at a happy ending...2 soulmates..." Regina didn't have the strength to speak or move any muscle in her body. She just let the tears flow.

"While he was one of them...I happened to be the other.." Daniella said as she protectively wrapped her arms around Regina. Regina's tears subsided as her breathing began evening out. "You know what you have to do, love," Daniella whispered in Regina's ear. Regina nodded, "Not tonight though...You have time.." Daniella didn't want to let Regina know her heart was breaking at the thought of having to compete for Regina's love.

"Time is something we have a lot of..." Daniella added as she kissed Regina's hair. "It doesn't matter.." Regina's voice was broken yet firm. Daniella could tell she had already made up her mind. She closed her eyes, "I choose you. You are my forever love. You are my 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆, Daniella Colter." Regina said as she fell asleep. The woman under her sighed in relief. "I promise to make you happy. I promise to give you your happy ending." Daniella whispered into the night as she fell into a deep slumber.

I guess it isn't always true what they say.


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