Outtake Three: Dessert > Dinner

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The last outtake for Goodbye.


Exiting the car Victoria had sent for us, the driver instructed that we head straight inside. "Thanks Simon!" Kayla called out. "It was my absolute pleasure to drive three such beautiful ladies." He said with the tip of his hat. "Ooo, you such a flirt!" Kayla laughed, "I see how your wife got those 8 kids. You smoooth!" She said with a cackle as the man blushed. "Have a great night, ladies." He said as he politely bowed, motioning us towards the building ahead. We all thanked him before finally setting our sights on our destination. Gasps filled the air as we took in the gorgeous Venice themed, Michelin star restaurant. I tore my eyes from the building suddenly a bit nervous seeing no other cars around. "Why is it so empty!?" exclaimed Kayla, asking the question we all had on our mind. "I think... she reserved the whole place" Tacir said her brows furrowed, just as curious as the rest of us. "Again?!" Kayla said gagged. "Damn!"

My eyes flickered back to the man we'd spent the last 40 minutes getting to know. Seeing my apprehension, he gave a reassuring smile that I graciously returned before he began shooing us along. Placing my attention back on the building in front of us, I took a deep breath as I tugged on the floral, black laced material of my slip, smoothing the area leading to the dress's high slit before getting pulled along by an eager Kayla towards the doors. I could hear Tacir giggle as she followed along.

Before we could even touch the handle the doors were pulled open by vigilant waiters. We exchanged looks of surprise before allowing them to lead us inside. I stiffly followed, anxiously pulling my black, faux fur shawl closer to my body. I wasn't used to such a grand caliber of treatment and I wasn't exactly sure what to do. I curiously looked around taking in the white marble floors and Sistine chapel replica that was painted onto the walls and ceiling along with the small cherub statues that littered the space. Tacir and Kayla's quiet gasps and murmurs of excitement filled the angelic, Euro-centric atmosphere as we were brought deeper into the establishment. A quite stern looking, young hostess approached us with a nod. "Ms.Monét is already seated, if you'd follow me. Oh and these are for you" added the hostess motioning over a young man who proceeded to hand me a bouquet of red roses. "Oh, uh, I'm, t-thank you" I replied, caught off guard by the gift. "Ooooh, someone tryna get some tonight," snickered Kayla nudging at Tacir who could barely hide her own amusement. "I want some flowers too" Tacir teased. I rolled my eyes at the two, trying to ignore the heat that was rising to my cheeks. "If you'll follow me" the hostess said once again beginning to lead the way.

We trailed the woman as I carried my oversized bouquet. "I guess she's gifting you back a thank you for the flower-bud bouquet you got her." Tacir said as we walked. "I guess so" I shrugged. "OR maybe she's thanking you for something else" Kayla side eyed "You were in there for quite some time." she smirked. "I wasn't gonna say anything but since we're bringing it up.." Tacir said also glancing at me. "Nothing happened!" I defended my voice squeaking a bit in embarrassment. "Mhmmm. Sure, Jan" Tacir laughed as Kayla snorted. "Y'all are so ridiculous." I retorted. "No, what's ridiculous is the size of that bouquet." Tacir smirked tapping a rose. "Nah, what's ridiculous is this place. Did you see the the peeing cherub statue fountain thing?!" Kayla exclaimed as she continued to look around. We all took another moment to observe our surroundings in awe until the hostess finally stopped and stepped aside, motioning us over to a table where Victoria stood in a white laced, silk slip dress with a charming smile on her face. Her eyes met mine and brightened as they took in the outfit she had added to my welcome basket that now adorned my body. Along with it there were invites she had handwritten to the three of us, offering a dinner with her tentatively scheduled for mid-tour. Luckily for her we seemed to resolve things in just enough time for the little rendezvous.

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