Chapter 1

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Why the hell did Lucifer, the literal king of Hell, have to be here? Damn the fact that he's Charlie's father. Does he think the fact that he rules Hell means he can just waltz into any room he pleases unannounced? Well, I think not.

Alastor had been livid with Lucifer from the time he walked through the doors of the hotel. I mean really? Didn't he have a wife to go home to? Oh wait, he probably neglects her too just like his daughter. But yet, he couldn't push off the feeling that there was something more to the story.

Alastor throughout the month Lucifer had been at the hotel, he had heard him crying in his room late at night while wandering the halls when he couldn't sleep. He had thought about trying to comfort the king, yes, but his pride got the best of him and he just walked by without a second thought. It's not like they were close anyways, so why bother.

He also had noticed some mornings that Lucifer had bags under his eyes and that he looked a little more disheveled than usual. On some of those mornings, Lucifer would have this kind of look in his eyes, almost like he was asking for something. He would look at Alastor desperately as if pleading for something unknown. Fuck. Why did he have to look at Alastor like that? And why did it make him feel so, weird? Most mornings he would try to brush it off as best as he could. Feelings weren't really Alastor's forte.

Some nights later, Alastor had been tossing and turning, desperately searching for at least an ounce of sleep. But sleep wouldn't come. On nights like this, he would get up and wander the halls aimlessly, trying to walk until he was tired enough to fall asleep.

The halls tonight were empty, cold, and silent. Alastor walked down the hall heading in the opposite direction of his room. He kept his arms folded behind his back and wore his usual smile, but tonight it was strained with frustration.

Alastor closed his eyes, trying to relax, his smile relaxed a bit, slightly shifting into a soft scowl. He sighed, slouching out of his usual straight back posture. He so wished to tear off his forever glued on smile. He hated having to always be fake in his emotions. No one ever questioned how he was feeling because he was always smiling on the outside.

He leaned against a wall and pinched between his eyebrows. His ears twitched suddenly, picking up a slight sound of strained hiccups. He leaned off the wall and moved towards the sound. He soon found the location of the sounds. The kings room. Among the hiccups, there was crashes, soft cries, and shouting. The shouting wasn't loud enough for the rest of the hotel members to hear, but with Alastor's hearing abilities, he could hear it loud and clear.

He contemplated whether he should go in or not, considering how he felt about the king. But some side of him, the deepest, most hidden part of him, made him place his hand on the door handle.

He gently twisted the door open, careful to not make too much noise as not to disturb Lucifer. He peeked through the small crack he had made, scanning the room for the small king. "L-Lucifer?"

A sudden crash coming from the bathroom connected to the inside of the room alerted Alastor. It was almost like a quick rush to hide something. He slowly walked into the room, taking in the space around him. Broken glass, water and flowers littered the floor. 'Flower Vase' he thought. A lamp was also cracked on the floor, along with some stray pillows, blankets, small trinkets, and more random items.

As he got closer to the bathroom, he heard muttering and sniffles coming from who he assumed to be the king. He pressed one of his ears to the door between him and the bathroom. "W-why won't I just die?"

Alastor heard gasping and what he thought might have been... slicing? Alastor looked through the small crack, getting a glimpse of Lucifer standing in front of the sink, staring at himself in the mirror, something shiny in his hand. On closer inspection, he noticed the thing in his hand was a small blade, and golden blood was pouring from his wrists. Alastor covered a gasp with his hand, inching the door closed again so there was only a slight crack. Lucifer brought up the blade to this neck this time, readying himself to bring it across. "Please... just let me die"

Alastor couldn't bare it anymore. He pushed through the door, gripping Lucifer's bloody wrist away from his neck, careful to not let the blade still in the hand cut anything else. He pushed Lucifer back against the wall, breathing heavily, eyes turning to radio dials and radio signals echoing off the walls. Lucifer's eyes widened in shock, tears still streaming down his face. "A-Alastor?"

To Be Continued...

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