Chapter 2

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Lucifer stared wide eyed at the demon in front of him. He had been alone just a second ago, but before he had time to process it, he was shoved against the wall by the Radio Demon, who was breathing heavily against him. "A-Alastor?"

   Alastor's face suddenly shifted out of the daze he was in,  eyes widening.  He loosened his grip on my wrist and backed up a bit. "S-shit- sorry," Alastor said smile crooked.

   In his wave of realization, he locked his eyes back on my bleeding wrists. He grabbed my left arm and flipped it over to show the blood dripping from the cuts. His breathing hitched, eyes shutting. "Lucifer... why?"

   I shifted my gaze to the mirror, looking at our reflection in the mirror, Alastor gently holding my arm. I could feel my eyes feeling with tears again. I'm the reflection I could see Alastor looking up at me suddenly, face twisting into concern. I closed my eyes, pushing the tears back. Suddenly, there was a slightly cold but gentle sensation on my cheek. I peeked open my eyes to see Alastor with his hand on my face, a sympathetic look in his eyes. I felt a tear drip down my face and he gently wiped it away with his thumb. "Lucifer. Listen to me."

   I opened my eyes a bit more, feeling Alastor gently moving his thumb in circular motions. Why was he being so caring? I had no idea, but I couldn't say I didn't like it. It was soothing. It felt safe. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. Alastor used his other hand to grab my wrist, bringing it to the side of his face, leaning into it. "Please... don't hurt yourself like this," Alastor said, eyes glossed over with tears, smile twitching. "Tell me... please tell me... why?"

   My face twisted, eyes stinging. "I-I... don't want to talk about it..." I said, inhaling sharply as the cuts started to burn.

   Alastor quickly moved my wrist away from his face, looking at me with concern. He started pulling me in the direction of the bedroom, urging me down on the bed. "My dear, we have to cover these. This is a lot of blood loss," he said, inspecting my arms. "I'll be right back."

   I watched Alastor disappear into the bathroom again, reappearing with a wet rag and some bandages. He walked over to me and lifted my right arm. "This... might sting a little."

   He pressed the rag to my arm gently, a burning sensation running from my arm to the rest of me. It was just warm water, but it still stung going into the deep cuts. He started dabbing the rag, soaking up the blood. He put the rag down, grabbing the bandages. He wrapped a king strip around on my arm, ripping the end with his teeth. He repeated this all on my other arm, still just as carefully. When he was done, he looked up at me. "Is... is there anything else I need to wrap?"

   I shook my head, calming down at the feeling of the bleeding slowing. Alastor sighed, picking me up suddenly. "HEY-"

   "Calm down, Lucifer. I'm just moving you in the bed."

   He placed me down near the pillows, lifting the covers for me to go under. "This really isn't necessary..." I said, face going red.

   He smiled at me, it almost looked like a genuine smile for once. "Maybe not, but I just thought it was the nice thing to do, my dear." He said, pulling the covers over me.

   I sunk into the bed with a sigh, closing my eyes. There was a slight noise of movement near the door. I quickly opened my eyes to see Alastor about to shut the door. "W-wait!"

   Alastor turned, opening the door a bit. He looked into the room at me. "Yes, dear?"

   I blushed, sinking under the covers, "A-Are you really just going to leave... like that?"

   Alastor chuckled, moving back into the room. "Well I was, unless you'd like me to stay?" He folded his arms behind his back, as if waiting for my response.

   I felt my face grow hot. "P-please... don't leave..."

   Alastor closed his eyes, letting it a breath. "Alright then dear. I'll stay."

   He moved back into the room, walking over to the opposite side of the bed. He started to climb on top, lifting the covers. "W-what are you'd doing?" I asked nervously.

   Alastor laughed softly. "You wanted me to stay didn't you? Well that's exactly what I'm doing, dear!"

   I watched as Alastor removed his coat, white dress shirt being revealed from underneath. He untied his bow tie and set them both to the side of the bed on the floor. He sunk into the bed next to me, smiling contentedly. I sunk farther into the bed, sweating from nervousness. I noticed Alastor studying me, face falling a bit. "Dear... if you're uncomfortable... I'll leave." He said, lifting the covers back up.

   In a sudden impulse movement, I wrapped my arms around Alastor's waist, a small grunt coming from him. "No!"

   I felt Alastor freeze between my arms. "No?"

   "P-please... don't go..." I said, the sound of my voice muffled in his shirt fabric.

   Alastor chuckled, patting my head with his hand. "Okay, shortie. I'll stay."

   I removed my arms from around his waist and looked sternly at him. "Hey! Don't call me-"

   I was broken off with Alastor laughing, a genuine laugh. No radio audience laugh accompanying it. No. There wasn't even any static present. Just his organic voice. He slid back under the covers, still laughing. "Sorry, my dear, you're just really adorable when you're mad."

   I looked wide eyed at the demon next to me. My face flushed, mouth twisting into a pout. I felt Alastor place his hand on my face again. "Dear, please just rest." He smiled at me, rubbing my face with his thumb. "You've lost a lot of blood, and you've been crying. You need some sleep."

   He pulled me towards his chest, wrapping his arms gently around my shoulders. I wanted to protest, but some part of me made me just go along with the action. I could hear his heartbeat, gentle and slow. I sighed, relaxing into him. Subconsciously, my arms wrapped around his back, pulling him closer. He moved his chin on top of my head, breathing into my hair. "Goodnight, my dear."


To be continued...

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