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Jake and I have been together for a few weeks now, and things are going well.

Our relationship, I mean - my date ideas... not so much.

He's not great at biking, hiking, going to my clubs or concerts...

But he always comes along anyway and does his best. It's sweet.

It's his turn to decide what we're doing tonight, and I'm excited to see what he chooses. I go to his place at 8pm, it's now 7:47pm...

Maybe I'm too excited.

Anyway, I shower, wash my hair, get dressed, put on my new cologne, smudge a bit of eyeliner.

I flirt with myself in the mirror for about 20 minutes, but who can blame me? I have strong self-confidence, it's hot. And I look good. Shut up.

I make myself breakfast and look at the clock. 10:04
Jake should be at work now. Maybe I'll stop by with some food for him. Is that too clingy? I don't want to seem too eager...

Anyway, I'm in the precinct now.

Bag in hand, I open the gate to the bullpen and stroll in. I don't see Jake, but I see Gina. Unfortunately, she sees me too.

"Hey, handsome, what do you have there?" she asks me, putting her phone down.

"I made breakfast and thought I'd bring something for Jake...?" I answer, turning my head around the corners of the room to look for him.

"Sweet. What did you make? Some tapas? Quesadilla?" She lists off a few dishes and sniffs around the bag to find out what kind of food is in it.

"Uh... breakfast muffins? Egg, sausage, bacon, tomato sauce... Like McDonald's?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Well, that's cool!" she sits back down. This woman has no sense of shame, does she?

"Jakey's on a mission, but we'll take the muffins! Make sure they get cold." One of the older detectives offers, I think I've heard Jake and Rosa call him Scully, I've never spoken to him.

"Gracias, but I'll just leave them for him... But I made special, do you want one?"

The two men look at me like I just shit gold and then reanimated their dead dog.

"Really? Thanks, Reese! You're the best. I hope Jake keeps this one." The other, Hitchcock I think, remarks. It makes me laugh. I give them the box, take one out and leave it on Mi Amor's desk, then I leave and go home.


I've been home for an hour and I'm stressed.

I check my phone every five minutes hoping that time has magically moved forward 9 hours, but every time the universe curses me by only moving forward about 5 minutes.

I've never been so nervous before a date. What's wrong with me? Get a grip, man.

I spend about another hour sitting on my couch, alternately tapping my foot and biting the skin around my fingernails.

My phone beeps and I nearly get whiplash as I reach for it, hoping it's Jake telling me he's getting off work early.
One new text notification from "Rosa Diaz"
Rosa Diaz: "busy?"

"Puta Madre..." I mumble to myself

You: "what do you want?"
I shoot back.

Rosa Diaz: "youre freaking out arent you"

You: "sorry, I can't understand you when you don't use punctuation."

Rosa Diaz: "andate a la concha de tu madre"

You: "jajajaja"

Rosa Diaz: "since when did you become a dictionary"

You: "when I had to take English lessons, pendeja."

Rosa Diaz: "whatever."

You: "what is it you want, Chica?"

Rosa Diaz: ew. First of all never call me Chica again."

You: "why not?"

Rosa Diaz: "because we aren't kids anymore Reese."

You: "what do you want, Rosa?"

Rosa Diaz: "I know you Reese. You're pacing around, chewing your fingers. You've probably been up and ready since 7am."

I stop walking and look at my hand, my index finger was between my lips. I wipe my fingers on my shirt and shove it in my pocket.

You: "so what?"

Rosa Diaz: "I knew it. You're nervous."

You: "so what?"

Rosa Diaz: "Come along to the 99. I've got some stuff I need your help with"

You: "I'm not a detective."

Rosa Diaz: "exactly. I'm looking at this like a cop. I need you to look at this as not a cop."

You: "Am I even allowed?"

Rosa Diaz: "who's gonna tell you no?"

I start typing but change my mind when I remember that nobody would dare to tell my hermanita 'no'

I look at the clock on my phone.


You: "I'll be 10 minutes."

Rosa Diaz: "hasta ahora."

I roll my eyes and shove my phone in my pocket.

Back to the precinct. I sigh to myself.

I grab my keys and take one last look at myself in the mirror as I do so, fingers run through my hair just to tidy it up a bit, smooth down my chin and I'm good to go.

True to my word, ten minutes later - I'm at the precinct.
I place my helmet on Rosa's desk and text her to let her know I'm here

"Your sister's name in your phone is 'Rosa Diaz'?" An amused voice sounds from over my shoulder.

I spin round and my arm snaps up to their chest to push them back.

"Woah!" Jake throws his hands up as he's pushed back into the desk behind him.

"Mi Osito, I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you." I stutter as I flinch my arms back, only to quickly dive back in to steady my boy.

He laughs and brushes his jacket with his hands

"What are you doing here? I don't get off until 7 tonight." He asks, looking up at me with his nose scrunched in confusion.

I smile and lean down to place a kiss on his nose.

"He's here for me." Rosa's voice calls out as she rounds the corner.

I look over my shoulder at her, then back to Jake.

"Whats going on?" He asks, curious more than confused... but still confused.

"None of your business, Jake." Rosa steps forward and grabs my arm, dragging me away with her.

I give a sheepish smile and dive forward to quickly kiss his cheek.

"Disculpas, Mi Osito."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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