Chapter 2. I Can't Help Myself

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The morning sun beams from the window stirring me awake. As I adjust to the light around me, I hear the whistling of birds chirping in the trees outside the opened window while a soft autumn breeze blows inside, creating a chill and calm Thanksgiving morning.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Taylor says softly, pulling my attention from the nature outside.

I shift my eyes to her gentle blue ones and the love in her eyes makes my heart skip a beat at how in love she looks when looking at me. The growing smile on my face is mirrored by her own as she studies my face carefully.

"Good morning, Tay" I whisper back. 

I try to lean off her and stretch, but her grip on my torso fails to loosen, so I just rest my head back down on her chest as I look up at her.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" I smile.

She leans down and pecks my lips gently.

"Happy Thanksgiving, baby! Are you excited?" She asks me softly with a broad smile.

"I am! This is our first big holiday together... and you know what's next?" I ask playfully, peering up at her light blue eyes.

"Hmm, what's next, baby?" She asks with a knowing grin.

"Your birthday! And you still haven't told me what you want!" I say with a groan, making her chuckle.

"I did tell you, baby. I just want you. You're enough for me... I mean that." She says with so much conviction.

"Of course, you'd say something like that... You always have me, Taylor. You can have me whenever. Just tell me what you want." I whine with a yawn as I roll over and stretch my arms.

"Hmm... Whenever, you say?" She says coyly as she rolls on top of me with the biggest smirk I've ever seen her wear.

"Taylor! I'm serious!" I chuckle.

"I'm serious too!" She quips back.

"Tell me what I can get you." I request, looking into her longing eyes.

"You can get these clothes off..." She says lowly before planting a kiss on my ear and moving down my neck.

I take in the warm buzzing feeling she gives me as her lips and tongue glide across my skin. I try to ignore the bliss she's giving me, but I can't help but moan when she kisses my collarbone. She knows that's a spot to instantly turn me on... She's playing her cards right...

She knows exactly what she's doing...

"Taylor..." I say quietly, but it comes out as a hushed moan.

She continues to make her way across my chest and my fingers tangle in her hair as she does so.

"Taylor... Your family is probably up... They're gonna wonder what's taking us so long..." I try to defend, but she looks up at me with such hungry eyes, turning me on even more.

"Let them," She says simply before sitting up on top of me, lifting up her oversized shirt, and exposing her bare chest to me.


"They'll know what we're doing... You can be loud, you know..." I refute, making her chuckle.

"You're wearing too many clothes," She disregards my statement as she slides her cold hands under my top, making me shudder a little.

I take both of us by surprise and flip us over so that I'm on top and she on bottom.

She looks up at me with so much desperation and hunger that you'd think I've been holding out on her.

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