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There are 8 nations that run Athena Academy for the Royal and Magically gifted...Hell, Sound, Time, Light, Life, Fire, Space, and the Protection Boundary (The Angel's Arch). These nations work together to make the very universe you live in today...

One day the leader of the 8 nations, King Gude of The angel's arch, got into a massive argument with the ruler of hell, Lucifer VIII... after many arguments, war broke loose soon after King Gude sent troops to kill over 10000 people in purgatory.... The 8 nations broke apart for 200 years.

The aftermath of the war was tremendous: 5 out of 8 rulers died in war, 2 remained missing and 1 confirmed alive. With that, every realm known to the 8 nations died, along with the absence of its leader.

Lucifer became the new leader of the 8 nations, as he was the only one still able to rule. By the time the war was over, Lucifer was mentally and physically unfit to rule the 8 nations. His soul gem did not shine as brightly anymore. He needed a successor to take his place, But Lucifer was severely gay and refused to have sex with a woman. What made it worst is that adoption was not an option in hell because hell-born orphans are scarce. So he searched the earth far and wide to find the perfect child to take his place. He wanted to find a special child, imperfect since birth. The more the desire, the better. He soon found her in the deep forest of Japan during the Kamakura period. A little girl of age five who was mentally, physically, and sexually abused be by her parents. She was a scrawny little one with brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. Lucifer sensed her potential to be a great successor and appeared before her.

"Hello there, little one." Lucifer said, walking slowly towards the girl who screamed and picked up a knife off of the floor.

"What are you... P-please don't hurt me?"

"Don't worry, I would never hurt a child. Especially one as special as you." Lucifer said. "Why do you have so many bruises and scars if you don't mind me asking?" He says softly. The girl stays silent as she contemplates opening up to Lucifer. After a brief silence, the girl spoke.

"Well, uh....my parents call me a treat, treats stay hidden, treats are obedient...if treats aren't good, then treats get punished." She says, as she looks down, smiling. Lucifer looks at her with saddened eyes.

"You deserve better than this...you are worth significantly more than how your parents are treating you." Lucifer says as he gets down to eye level with the girl, "Be my successor, will you?"


"I'm sorry, let me explain. I am Lucifer of hell, currently the leader of the 8 nations. We've recently finished a 200 year war and as of now I'm in a weak state and I cannot provide for the eight nations. I need someone who can succeed me, and I believe you are perfect for the job."




"Honestly, sir, that sounds ridiculous." She says.

"I know it does, but if you could just give me a chance, I'll give you the best life you could ever wish for. I can't promise a life without hardships because that's just something I cannot do. However, allow me to show you what your life could be... will you?" Lucifer says, holding his hand out to the girl. She reaches out to him but stops.

"Mommy and daddy will be super mad at me..." she says.

"You will never have to see those two again. I'll make sure of it." Lucifer says, smiling at the girl. Mesmerized by his kindness in which she has never felt before, the girl grabs hold of his hand and goes with him to the place that would change her life forever...

After ditching her parents like the two pieces of shit they were, the little girl got accustomed to her new life in the castle of hell. She learned skills such as complex thinking, combat, and leadership. One year later, she had her demons wish, a ceremony where her father would pass his powers on to her. The girl's new role was made obvious as the little girl's hair turned pure black with tiny red horns forming on her forehead and her eyes a dark bloody red. Shocked she was indeed of her new look, she named herself Akuma Abiko of Hell Nation.

~10 human years later~

"DAD PLEASE STOP FUCKING MR BLUE BOY, YOU HAVE LOTS TO DO TODAY!" I say, banging on his door. It really is ridiculous how he cannot find a man to date. Like why tf is he always having one-night stands?

"Sweetie it's 7am in the morning, we were just... talking. A friendly conversation, I would say."

"Don't act dumb with me. You were having more than a friendly conversation." I say, crossing my arms.

"Whatever you say~ " Dad says as he steps out the door with his robe on.

"Anyway, give me an hour and I'll get to work, I promise. Now... Enough worrying about me, you need to get to studying for entrance exams into Athena Academy." he says, rubbing his eyes.

"No, cause I'm worried. What if I can't find the 7 other children? What if I completely fail the entrance exams? NO EVEN WORST WHAT IF I GET BULLIED FOR THE REST OF MY HIGH SCHOOL CAREER! Dad, I'm so fucking cooked." I say, shaking my head.

"Don't say that!" He says, giving me an embrace.

"I'm sure you'll find them at Athena. They may not remember who they are, but you've done a lot of research into who and where they might be. I'm positive you'll find them. Not to mention you're the smartest person I know, that exam is yours to pass." He says.

"Thanks dad..." I say pulling away from his embrace.

"What did I say you do when people want to hurt you?" He said as he walked back into his room.

"When people hurt you, don't be afraid to kill. Killing will always be the best option...no matter what situation," I say, smiling at him.

"That's my lil devil girl." He says as he closes the door and locks it. Silently, I walked down the hallway to head to my study room, as I was smiling from ear to ear.






"Killing doesn't scare you. Why should it scare me?" I say mumbling under my breath with small chuckles. As I walk away, I hear horrified screams with stabbing and slicing noises from my dad's room...

Stay tuned for Chapter One <3

𝔸𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟𝕒 𝔸𝕔𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕪: 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕠𝕪𝕒𝕝 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕄𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕘𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕕 Where stories live. Discover now