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"Alright guys! Since our parental figures want us to get out the house more often.." Huey looked over at their parents nearby in an adult area. "We're gonna play a game of soccer!" He finished.

"Can I keep score? I don't like being athletic." Louie whined, "But you're already on my team!" Max frowned. Louie rolled his eyes and put his phone away, "Just don't make me run."

"Are you ready to get your butts kicked?" Webby grinned, as if she were about to kill someone. Webby didn't get out much, so hopefully she didn't kill anyone. "Oh, I think they are." Dewey chuckled, cracking his knuckles. "I'm going to rip you all to shreds!!!" May cackled, everyone stared at her wide-eyed.. May also didn't get out much particularly.

"Alright.. then—.. When I blow the whistle! Start! Ready?" Huey announced, then blew the whistle. The game was on!


Max heaved, "she.. she sure is quick—"
"Yeah, I don't think I could get her or Dewey to leave the ball alone." P.J panted, "Barely gave me a chance to kick it.."

Louie stood there scrolling, "wow that was hard work." He said, drinking water before going back to scrolling. Max slowly turned to Louie and glared, Louie looked over, "What? I tried my best!"
Max rolled his eyes and focused back on his breathing. "I think we're doing an amazing job!" Melody says, "We just have to keep our heads up! And.. maybe we'll get it?"
"Yeah right. As if April or May will let up." June grumbled.

April groaned aloud, "Hurry up! We need to get this game done! I'm totally bored!—And so is Millie!" April called out as Millie was seen gnawing on her fingers. "See? She's stress eating her own gloves!" April says, removing Millie's fingers from her mouth.

"Alright, yknow what? I'm gonna win this." June growled, putting the soccer ball infront of her foot, "I'm gonna kick it." Louie looked up at June when she said that, surprised. "Wait, you're kidding, right?" Louie says, Max's mouth was slightly ajar. "You think you can.. uh, kick it? Straight into the goal?" P.J asked, "Yeah, how hard can It be?" April shrugged. "April.. there's like a 10% chance you're actually gonna get this.." Amused, Melody put her hand on April's shoulder to reason with her.

"Cmon, Mel, believe in me! I completely have this under control." April shrugged Melody off, stretching. "If you say so.." Melody says, backing up.

April stepped back.. before kicking the ball, hard. Straight into Dewey's ankle, spraining it on impact. Dewey screeched, falling to the ground and holding his ankle, "Oh my god! Dewey are you okay!?" Huey ran over, the others did too, April just stood there. "What does it look like?!" Dewey cried, tears streamed down his face. "What did you do April!?" Louie yelled, Webby hugged Dewey to comfort him.

"I.. I just wanted.." April croaked, tears welled in her eyes.

P.J tried to help Dewey but Dewey ended up trying to scramble away, his ankle looked pretty messed up. "I'm gonna die! It's over!" Dewey cried, "That's a little dramatic.." Max sighed, "I don't care!!" Dewey argued.

"I'm hungry guys.." Millie says, staring attentively at the hotdog stand behind them. "This is NOT the time for Hotdogs Millie!" May frowned, rubbing Dewey's shoulder for support. "Someone go get the adults!" June exclaimed, Louie ran to go get Della and Mandy.

April finally ran to Dewey, apologizing. "I'm so sorry Dewey! I.. I just wanted to win! I'm so so sorry I—"
"It's fine." Dewey says, in a normal tone, He then kicks the ball into the opposing teams goal. And jumped to his feet. "Ha Ha! We won!!"

April just sat there, shocked, tears still streaming down her face. "Oh! Well- haha. I uh.. I knew that!" P.J says, putting his hands on his hips and trying to look confident, "Great job Dewey! You're great at distractions!"

"Thank you, I am an aspiring actor!" Dewey bowed, Louie walked back in total confusion. "what just happened.."
"Dewey faked his injury to win." Huey says, "Aw, really?" Louie sighed.

"That was totally unnecessary Dewey." Max sighed, crossing his arms. Webby gave Dewey a High-five, "Awesome Job Dewey!!" She exclaimed. His team cheered for him, the others being a bit mad but supporting.

"Alright! Who's up for another game?" Huey announced, everyone raised their Hands and April just stood.

"You know what? I'm gonna sit out on this one.." She says, walking away, "See you guys."

Everyone paused before Dewey piped up,
"What sprained her ankle?" He joked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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