Cheating?- Ross

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I looked at my phone again but there were still no answer from him. It was our first year anniversary with Ross. We had a date in the Starbucks, but he was late. I had been waiting for him for 30 minutes now. I sighed, drinking my drink. What was he doing?

"Hey, look who's here! The cousin!"

"Peter? What are you doing here?" I smiled at him. I got up to hug my cousin I had not seen in a long time, and we both sat down.

"Just hanging out. What about you?"

"I'm waiting for Ross. It's our first year anniversary, and he's late."

"Oh, not good."

"Yeah." I sighed.

"What have you planned to do?" Peter asked.

"Don't know. We'll see."

Peter smiled, and took my hand.

"He may propose you." He smirked.

"Don't be stupid, it's been only a year and we're too young." I laughed, although I would accept if Ross do it actually. He was the best thing that never happened to me.

"Dear y/n, will you accept to love me and stay by my side forever?"

"Peter, stop." I giggled.

"Would you make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me?" Peter went on, getting closer to my face.

"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned my head, and saw Ross handing a bouquet. He looked at Peter, then me, and Peter again. I realised we were still holding each other hands.

He tried to say something, but he just slowly shook his head looking at me with his hazel eyes, dropped the flowers on the floor and ran away.

"Ross, no! Wait!"

I went at the door, and look around outside. He wasn't here anymore. I needed to find him though. He saw me smiling, laughing and holding the hand of another boy. I picked up the flowers on the ground, and bit my lips. He chose roses, my favorites. The white ones.

I started running through the streets. I yelled his name, but he didn't answer. People were staring at me, but it didn't matter. I needed to see him to explain everything.

But where did he go?

I kept on running, and I heard sobs coming from a little street on my left.
I rushed into it, still led by the sobs. I eventually found him next to a bin. A little box with a ring was opened in front of him. He had pulled his legs up to his chest, and was crying on his knees, sat down against the wall.


He didn't react. I got closer to him. He raised his head from his knees and I stopped.

"I thought you loved me... What have I done wrong?" He muttered with a cracking voice. Tears were running down his cheeks. His eyes were full of pain and sadness. I couldn't believe I made him cry. I had never seen him shed a tear. My heart broke in a billion pieces, and I felt the tears coming. Ross was heart-broken. My boyfriend was heart-broken and it was my fault.

"I do love you Rossy..." I whispered squating down next to him. I put my hand on his shaking arm.

"Why then? Why did you cheated on me?"
He stared at me with his eyes filled by tears.

"It's not what you think."

"What it is then, y/n? What it is? You seemed you were about to..." He closed his eyes, bit his lips and let his head fell backwards against the wall.

"Ross, listen to me now..."

I tried to touch his cheek but he turned away.

"Please look at me..."

"I don't want to..." He whispered.
I gently took his head on my hands, to make him look at me. He didn't resist.

"Ross. I love you and you know it. I love you more than anything on this planet. You're the best thing that never happened to me. I'll never cheat on you."

Ross didn't say anything, and just looked down.

"The guy was Peter. And he's my cousin."

"Your cousin?" Ross finally said raising his head. He still seemed upset. Tears were still running down his cheeks. He removed my hands.

"Yes Ross he is. We were talking about us when you arrived. About our... Our future wedding. He was pretending to propose me."

Ross looked down again, and wiped his tears with his sleeve, which was useless because he started crying again.

"What's wrong Rossy?" I touched his shoulder, worried.

"I'm such an idiot, I should have known. You'll never cheat on me I know this. I didn't trust you. You... You don't deserve me. I'm too stupid for you. And you're too good for me." He burried his head on his hands.

"Hey, stop that would you? You are not stupid, I love you for who you are. Ross you're perfect for me. You're the only one who can make me smile when I'm sad, reassure me when I'm scared, you're my everything. Don't say such things again okay? I love you Ross."

He raised his head and a little smile appeared on his face.

"I love you too, y/n. Please forgive me."

"You don't have to apologise Ross you haven't done anything."

I gently took his head on my hands, and pressed my lips on his. They were salty because of the tears, but it didn't matter. It was the best and the most passionate kiss we ever shared. We stopped and he picked up the little box at our feet. He took my hand, grabbed the ring and passed it around my finger. He then looked at me not saying anything.

"It's... It's very beautiful Ross." I whispered, admiring his gift. He just kept looking at me. I took him in my arms, so he did.

"Promise you'll never say you're not good enough for me again okay?"

He held me tighter and burried his head on my shoulder.

"I promise."

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