The forest

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Jessie started to run Into the forest as the sun was setting down even though monsters were lurking late out willing to attack anyone they saw Jessie didn't want to leave Poor Ruben all scared and alone out in the dark so Jessie pushed through my fears and run into the forest

"Ruben! Where are you, buddy!" Jessie called out

"Can you give me a oink if you can hear me!" Jessie yelled hoping Ruben would come back to me

Jessie started to wonder where Ruben could be as the sun's bright shiny rays came down and the land became colder. Jessie looked around a tree but there was nothing, wonder over and saw pig tracks and she started to follow them hoping they would lead me to him

"Ruben I don't want to be out here in the dark!" Jessie yelled

Jessie looked at more pig tracks

"Hmm, there is no way Ruben can make these tracks on his own.." Jessie said to herself then found a carrot on the ground

"Hey Ruben I got a carrot for you!" Hopping he would come out for his favorite treat

"Where are you buddy?.." Jessie said

Jessie kept walking on the path and then saw a herd of pigs but none were Ruben she looked closer and the pigs were the ones making the pig tracks

"Stupid pigs.." Jessie said to herself

Jessie walked closer to the tall grass hopping to find him Jessie went a bit closer then a chicken popped out and clucked at me and scared me half to death as it jumped out but soon left

"Geez.." Jessie said

Jessie went further and further into the forest

"Ruben it's getting scary out here!" she kept walking then soon stumble upon the smoking costume that Axel put on Ruben

"Oh no. Ruben Ruben! Are you in there buddy?.." she called out for him and ran over

"Oh geez, Ruben please don't be roasted.." Jessie said worried that he would be cooked pork chop

She lifted the wing and there was nothing then stomped out the costume to make sure a fire didn't spread across she kept walking the path but then it split into two a cave and a small little river she didn't want to take my chances with the cave so she went through the waters and came out soaking wet but it didn't matter when she heard something moving in the tall grass. She walked up slowly and closer then she saw him

"Ruben there you are!" Jessie said

Ruben was looking happy that she was able to find him

"Hey, Ruben do you want a carrot buddy?.." Jessie asked and gave him a carrot and he ate it

"You're in big trouble, Ruben! Do you have any idea how worried I was you know I aren't supposed to run away by yourself.." Jessie said as my worried angry tone turned into a soft one

Soon Jessie heard groaning and she turned around and saw zombies

"Ruben run!" Jessie yelled as she and Ruben ran away further into the forest and then we hid behind a stone wall and some tall grass

"Phew, I think we are good.." she said looking at Ruben while out of breath then she heard the same hissing sound just like one from this morning that Axel mimicked but sadly it wasn't Axel it was a real creeper and we both ran and hid behind some dirt

"I think we are good.." she said out of breath

Then an arrow gets shot close to her face
And she turned to see where it came from and it was from the skeleton and being shot at me again and she was able to dodge its arrow and we ran once more but we hit a dead end so she turned around and pulled out my wooden sword as zombies had followed us and was walking towards us. She hit back a zombie

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