Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!

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Archie's voiceover
Previously on Riverdale...
Jughead's voiceover
The story is about a town, once wholesome and innocent,now forever changedby the mysterious death of Jason Blossom on the 4th of July.
In Thornhill Hallway
Fred says to Hermione "The bookkeeping position at my company...It's still open,if you're interested..."
Hermione hugs Fred
Hermione says to Fred "Yes,yes,yes."
In Hermione's bedroom
Hermione says to herself "Oh,Hiram
In Sierra's office
Hermione says to Sierra "A donation to your re-election campaign."
Sierra says to Hermione "And Lodge Industries
gets one of the most prime pieces of real estate in Riverdale."
In Cooper's Garage
Betty says to Hal "What did Jason do that was so bad?" Hal says to Betty "Jason and Polly had a fight.Afterwards,Polly was pretty devastated,so we sent her to a hospital."
In Blue and Gold Newspaper Room
Jughead says to Betty "If your parents lied about Jason and Polly,there's probably more that they lied about."
In Cooper House,Kitchen
Betty says to Hal "Dad,Jason and Polly were
engaged.Did you know that?"
Hal yells at Betty "I'd die before I let them steal my daughter." Betty yells at Hal "Where is she?"
Hal stands up
Hal yells at Betty "She is sick!"
Jughead's voiceover
Fear.It's the most basic,the most human emotion.As kids,we're afraid of everything.The dark...
In Betty's bedroom
Young Betty says to young Polly "Will you stay in my room tonight, Polly? Please?"
Jughead's voiceover
The boogeyman under the bed...
In Betty's bedroom
Young Polly says to Young Betty "Mom won't let me,Betty.But I'll turn the night-light on,okay?"
End of flashback
Jughead's voiceover
And we pray for morning.For the monsters to go away.Though they never do.Not really.Just ask Jason Blossom.
In Betty's bedroom
Betty says to Alice "Oh,Mom,I forgot to mention.
I invited Jughead over for breakfast."
Alice says to Betty "Hmm."
Alice puts Betty's laundry away
In Coopers house,Kitchen
Clinking on plate
Alice says to Jughead "So,Jughead...I suppose we have you to thank for Betty's ongoing obsession
with this Jason Blossom ghoulishness?"
Betty says to Alice "Actually,Mom,I was the one who asked Jughead to help me write it for the Blue and Gold."
Alice Laughs
Alice says to Betty "Relax,Betty.I'm just making conversation."
Jughead drinking orange juice
Jughead says to Alice "Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?"
Betty stands up
Betty says to Jughead "Sure,I'll show you."
Alice says to Betty "No,no.I'll show him."
Alice stands up
Alice says to Jughead "Follow me.Jughead."
Jughead stands up and Betty is snooping through Alice's bag and taking pictures of it
Jughead's voiceover
Another fun fact about fear.Sometimes it grows up with you.Or it curls up inside of you,tightens around your guts.
In Auditorium
Kevin says to Archie "Archie Andrews?"
Jughead's voiceover
Each fall,Riverdale High hosts a Variety Show.
But this event is no mere student frolic.
Kevin says to Archie "And what will you be auditioning with?" Archie says to Kevin "Uh,an original song that I wrote called I'll Try."
Feedback ringing
Reggie says to Archie "Try harder!Maybe try not sucking so much."
Crowd laughing
Archie imagines the bulldogs wearing werewolf type of masks
Kevin says to Archie "Take your time,Archie. Though we do have people waiting."
Archie having stage fright
Veronica says to Josie "Oh,my God,what's happening?" Josie says to Veronica "He's choking." Kevin says to Archie "Archie? Clock's ticking."
Mic giving feedback
Archie says to Kevin "Excuse me.Sorry,I gotta go."
Archie walks out
Crowd laughing and applauding
Reggie cheering
Reggie says to Archie "Good stuff,man.Good stuff.Woo!"
In School hallway
Archie and Val sitting on the floor
Archie says to Val "When I was up there, looking
out...I don't know,I just I froze."
Val says to Archie "That was stage fright,Archie."
Archie says to Val "Yeah,but when I'm on the football field,the stands can be packed.Packed. And it doesn't affect my game at all."
Val say to Archie "Singing makes you vulnerable
in a way that football doesn't."
Archie says to Val "Or maybe what I was missing
out there onstage was my team.Or at least a partner.What if we sang I Got You?"
Val says to Archie "Archie,I'm a Pussycat.We're headlining the Variety Show."
Archie says to Val "What if you sang with them first and then me? Just this once? To help me get my sea legs." Val says to Archie "Have you met Josie? I can't step out on the Cats."
In the Blue and Gold Newspaper Room
Betty says to Jughead "The Sisters of Quiet Mercy.What is that? Like a church? Or a charity?"
Jughead Googling The Sisters of Quiet Mercy
Jughead says to Betty "No.It's a home for troubled youths.Where disenfranchised teens will learn such virtues as discipline and respect, enjoying lives of quiet reflection and servitude."
Betty says to Jughead "Poor Polly."
Outside Cafeteria bit
Betty says to Jughead,Archie and val "It's been months,there's gotta be a reason my mom and dad don't want me to see Polly......but I don't care anymore." Archie says to Bughead "What are you guys talking about? Anything I can help with?"
Jughead eating a big bag of crisps
Jughead says What we're attempting is a stealth operation,Archie.If we go in there with the entire Scooby Gang,forget it,we're compromised."
Betty says to Archie "Well,don't you have to practice for the Variety Show anyways?"
Archie says to Betty "Uh,no,I don't."
Veronica walks over
Veronica says to Archie "Except that yes,you do. Thanks to a certain Veronica-ex-machina.Excuse me."
Kevin sits down
Val says to Veronica "What do you mean?"
Veronica sits down
Veronica says to Archie "Oh,nothing.Just that I had a few words with our director/host......and reminded him that he's heard you sing on numerous occasions." Kevin says to Archie "Even though it compromises my artistic integrity."
Veronica says to Archie "Cutting to the chase,you
have a slot if you want it."
Archie says to Veronica "Veronica,thank you,but
you saw what happened."
Kevin says to Archie "We all did."
Archie says to the gang and Val "Playing my songs in front of you guys is one thing......but getting back up on that stage by myself? I'm not sure if I'm ready for that."
Veronica says to Archie "If it's a partner you're looking for,Veronica Lodge is more than willing and able." Betty says to Veronica "Veronica,I didn't know you could sing."
Veronica says to Betty "Like a nightingale."
Veronica says to Archie "What do you say, Archiekins? Be the Jay to my Bey?"
Archie Chuckles
In the Music Room

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